Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (4:00 pm - 6:30 pm) Meeting

Digital languages: know the new expressive forms to improve your digital reputation

(*) Service aimed at executives and middle managers in which AP members can participate.
Centro Svizzero Via Palestro, 2 - 20121 MILANO

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (6:00 pm - 6:30 pm) Experience

Jam Session with Rocco Tanica

Centro Svizzero Via Palestro, 2 - 20121 MILANO

The advent of new digital tools has completely transformed how people communicate and present themselves. These versatile technologies have introduced innovative ways to create content, share ideas, stories, and emotions, thereby enabling individuals to establish a distinct digital identity and reputation. This revolution is also impacting the business sector, providing managers with useful tools to enhance their communication methods and, consequently, improve the image of both themselves and the companies they represent.

What opportunities do digital channels offer for storytelling? How can we maximize their potential?

This meeting will provide participants with the chance to explore the potential of digital platforms as a means of expression. With exemplary and metaphorical cases, theoretical concepts, and practical advice, attendees will learn tools and best practices for constructing an effective digital identity.

  • Sergio Conforti, who is also known as Rocco Tanica, will demonstrate how artificial intelligence can be used as a tool for creative expression that helps in storytelling, both on a personal and corporate level. He will provide examples of new forms of writing, imagery, and sound, and show how these technologies can be creatively leveraged to their full potential
  • Daniela Villani, an expert in communication psychology and new technologies, will help us better understand how we engage with digital channels from a psycho-social perspective. Specifically, discussing positive bias and impression management, she will focus on the mechanisms that influence our reactions in the digital world
  • Stefano Chiarazzo, the author of the book "#Social Ceo. Reputazione digitale e brand advocacy per manager che lasciano il segno" and "Business content creator. Guida pratica per chi crea contenuti per le aziende e brand” will discuss how digital media can benefit managers and companies. Specifically, he will provide insights into the best practices for enhancing personal branding and digital reputation.
A Jam Session with Rocco Tanica is scheduled during the meeting, followed by a networking aperitivo.


Stefano Chiarazzo

Founder & Managing Director, Pubblico Delirio

Rocco Tanica

Musician, member of the group Elio e le Storie Tese

Daniela Villani

Psychology Professor, Cattolica University


May 15, 2024
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Rocco Tanica: AI as a tool for creative expression: images, writing, and sounds
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Jam Session with Rocco Tanica
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Daniela Villani: In search of our digital identity
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Stefano Chiarazzo: Digital reputation and brand advocacy for impactful managers
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Debate

Documenti dell'incontro

Nota informativa

Digital languages: know the new expressive forms to improve your digital reputation

Nota informativa


Digital languages: know the new expressive forms to improve your digital reputation
