Pnrr al via: basterà per colmare il divario Nord-Sud? Orizzonti PoliticiAdded on 16/11/2021 Scenario Economia
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Nelle tempeste del futuro. Le capacità mentali che il futuro ci richiede narrate attraverso il cervello di superatleti ed esploratori Pietro TrabucchiAdded on 12/11/2021 Risorse umane Leadership
Global Attractiveness Index 2021 - Il termometro dell’attrattività di un Paese Valerio De MolliAdded on 08/11/2021 Scenario Economia
Three Steps to Optimising Your Firm’s Hybrid Work Strategy Mark MortensenAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
How social media data secretly reveals your personality to hiring managers Tomas Chamorro-PremuzicAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Beyond the Holacracy Hype Ethan Bernstein John Bunch Niko Canner Michael LeeAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Mental and Emotional Well-being and Resilience at Work. Lessons from Interpersonal Neurobiology Daniel J. SiegelAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Donne Uniche. I tratti del talento femminile (e come emergono) Beatrice VeneziAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
The “Toolbox”. Four strategies that challenge us to look differently to better our odds of success Emily BalcetisAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Il Diversity Management per le diversità LGBT+ e le azioni per rendere gli ambienti di lavoro più inclusivi A Cura Di IstatAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Artificial Intelligence. Just who is in charge around here? A Cura Di The European Business ReviewAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
Artificial Intelligence Will Change How We Think About Leadership A Cura Di Wharton UniversityAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
AI Should Augment Human Intelligence, Not Replace It David De Cremer Garry KasparovAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane
When Power Makes Others Speechless: The Negative Impact of Leader Power on Team Performance Leigh Plunkett Tost Francesca Gino Richard P. LarrickAdded on 04/11/2021 Risorse umane