Energizing Resilience. The role of the leader
Energizing Resilience. The role of the leader

Tamara Erickson

Added on 15/06/2021

Harnessing everyday genius
Harnessing everyday genius

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Humanocracy - Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone
Humanocracy - Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Is your data infrastructure ready for AI?
Is your data infrastructure ready for AI?

Seth Earley
Josh Bernoff

Added on 15/06/2021

How IBM is working toward a fairer AI
How IBM is working toward a fairer AI

Francesca Rossi

Added on 14/06/2021

Possiamo fidarci dell’Intelligenza Artificiale?
Possiamo fidarci dell’Intelligenza Artificiale?

Francesca Rossi

Added on 14/06/2021

IBM approach to AI ethics
IBM approach to AI ethics


Added on 14/06/2021

Advancing AI ethics beyond compliance - From principles to practice
Advancing AI ethics beyond compliance - From principles to practice

IBM Institute For Business Value

Added on 14/06/2021

Borders might be used to spark wars but where would we be today without them?
Borders might be used to spark wars but where would we be today without them?

Tim Marshall

Added on 14/06/2021

America’s next authoritarian will be much more competent
America’s next authoritarian will be much more competent

Zeynep Tufekci

Added on 14/06/2021

How organizations can design for agility and embrace uncertainty
How organizations can design for agility and embrace uncertainty

Stéphane J. G. Girod
Martin Kralik

Added on 14/06/2021

Risorse umane
Everyday ethics for Artificial Intelligence
Everyday ethics for Artificial Intelligence


Added on 14/06/2021

Precision regulation for artificial intelligence
Precision regulation for artificial intelligence


Added on 14/06/2021

Precision regulation and facial recognition
Precision regulation and facial recognition


Added on 14/06/2021

A beginner’s guide to the future of the world
A beginner’s guide to the future of the world

Tim Marshall

Added on 14/06/2021

Orientamenti etici per un'IA affidabile
Orientamenti etici per un'IA affidabile

Gruppo Di Esperti Ad Alto Livello Sull'intelligenza Artificiale

Added on 14/06/2021

Autonomia strategica: cosa serve per un'Ue protagonista nel mondo
Autonomia strategica: cosa serve per un'Ue protagonista nel mondo

Nathalie Tocci

Added on 10/06/2021

European strategic autonomy: what it is, why we need it, how to achieve it
European strategic autonomy: what it is, why we need it, how to achieve it

IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali
Nathalie Tocci

Added on 10/06/2021

PNRR e non solo: le leve per il rilancio dell’economia italiana
PNRR e non solo: le leve per il rilancio dell’economia italiana

Gregorio De Felice

Added on 10/06/2021

Scenario Economia
Lavorare al tempo dello smart working
Lavorare al tempo dello smart working

Added on 09/06/2021

 How to Create a Winning Post-Pandemic Business Model
How to Create a Winning Post-Pandemic Business Model

John Wass
Jonathan Byrnes

Added on 09/06/2021

Why We Contradict Ourselves and Confound Each Other
Why We Contradict Ourselves and Confound Each Other

Daniel Kahneman

Added on 09/06/2021

Daniel Kahneman: ‘Clearly AI is going to win. How people are going to adjust is a fascinating problem’
Daniel Kahneman: ‘Clearly AI is going to win. How people are going to adjust is a fascinating problem’

Tim Adams

Added on 09/06/2021

Gestione del tempo
Gestione del tempo

Brian Tracy

Added on 09/06/2021

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