Valentina Vezzali nuovo sottosegretario allo Sport
Valentina Vezzali nuovo sottosegretario allo Sport


Added on 07/05/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
A tu per tu con Giovanna Trillini, la Leggenda della scherma azzurra
A tu per tu con Giovanna Trillini, la Leggenda della scherma azzurra

Fabio Bandiera

Added on 07/05/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
Revenue models for digital servitization
Revenue models for digital servitization

Lina Linde
Johan Frishammar
Vinit Parida

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
Beyond posted prices: the past, present, and future of participative pricing mechanisms
Beyond posted prices: the past, present, and future of participative pricing mechanisms

Manoj Thomas
Bernd Skiera
Peter Popkowski Leszczyc
Vincent Mak
Oded Koenigsberg
Sandy D. Jap
Marco Bertini
Martin Spann
Robert Zeithammer
Ernan Haruvy

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings

Richard Reisman
Marco Bertini

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
The ”back end” of marketing
The ”back end” of marketing

Marco Bertini

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
The ends game: how smart companies stop selling products and start delivering value
The ends game: how smart companies stop selling products and start delivering value

Marco Bertini
Oded Koenigsberg

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
Competing on customer outcomes
Competing on customer outcomes

Marco Bertini
Oded Koenigsberg

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
Consumer reactance to promotional favors
Consumer reactance to promotional favors

Marco Bertini
Aylin Aydinli

Added on 06/05/2021

Sales & Marketing
If humble people make the best leaders, why do we fall for charismatic narcissists?
If humble people make the best leaders, why do we fall for charismatic narcissists?

Margarita Mayo

Added on 04/05/2021

Authentic leadership. Self-assessment
Authentic leadership. Self-assessment

Margarita Mayo

Added on 04/05/2021

The gender gap in feedback and self- perception
The gender gap in feedback and self- perception

Margarita Mayo

Added on 04/05/2021

Introduction - Yours truly: the 3 Hs of authentic leadership
Introduction - Yours truly: the 3 Hs of authentic leadership

Margarita Mayo

Added on 04/05/2021

4 behaviors that help leaders manage a crisis
4 behaviors that help leaders manage a crisis

Chris Nichols
Shoma Chatterjee Hayden
Chris Trendler

Added on 29/04/2021

The six biggest post-lockdown challenges for organisations
The six biggest post-lockdown challenges for organisations

Lee Seok Hwai

Added on 29/04/2021

Learning from the future
Learning from the future

Peter Scoblic

Added on 29/04/2021

The new leadership playbook for the digital age
The new leadership playbook for the digital age

Douglas Ready
Carol Cohen
David Kiron
Benjamin Pring

Added on 29/04/2021

Leading, front and back
Leading, front and back

Charles Galunic

Added on 29/04/2021

Framing the ambition of carbon neutrality
Framing the ambition of carbon neutrality

Stefan M. Buettner

Added on 22/04/2021

Ultra-efficiency factory - framework and holistic approach to increase and evaluate efficiency and sustainability
Ultra-efficiency factory - framework and holistic approach to increase and evaluate efficiency and sustainability

Timm Kuhlmann
Alexander Sauer

Added on 22/04/2021

Defining sector-specific g for initiating sustainability within companies
Defining sector-specific g for initiating sustainability within companies

Lara Waltersmann
Steffen Kiemel
Yvonne Amann
Alexander Sauer

Added on 22/04/2021

How does the German manufacturing industry react to the calls to decarbonise?
How does the German manufacturing industry react to the calls to decarbonise?

Stefan M. Buettner

Added on 22/04/2021

Improving manufacturing systems with regard to the concept of ultra-efficiency
Improving manufacturing systems with regard to the concept of ultra-efficiency

Robert Miehe
Siegfried Stender
Nicolas Hessberger
Joerg Mandel
Alexander Sauer

Added on 22/04/2021

Ultra-efficient factories
Ultra-efficient factories

Alexander Sauer

Added on 22/04/2021
