Sicurezza cibernetica
Sicurezza cibernetica

Camera Dei Deputati Servizio Studi

Added on 12/02/2021

Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa - documenti suggeriti
Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa - documenti suggeriti


Added on 12/02/2021

Why all businesses should embrace sustainability. Some top companies are leading the way
Why all businesses should embrace sustainability. Some top companies are leading the way

Knut Haanaes

Added on 10/02/2021

Innovazione Leadership
Come sarà l’esperienza di vendita al dettaglio del futuro?
Come sarà l’esperienza di vendita al dettaglio del futuro?

Kate Machtiger

Added on 10/02/2021

Sales & Marketing
The other crisis
The other crisis

Delshad Irani

Added on 08/02/2021

Corporate responsibility in the digital era
Corporate responsibility in the digital era

Michael Wade

Added on 08/02/2021

Corporations need to look beyond profits
Corporations need to look beyond profits

Lisa Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs
Nathan Lobel

Added on 08/02/2021

Chapter 1 The 360° Corporation: Creative destruction redux
Chapter 1 The 360° Corporation: Creative destruction redux

Sarah Kaplan

Added on 08/02/2021

L'Oréal for the future
L'Oréal for the future


Added on 08/02/2021

Making sustainability count
Making sustainability count

Harward Business Review

Added on 08/02/2021

Welfare aziendale: l’impresa al centro della comunità
Welfare aziendale: l’impresa al centro della comunità

Marco Dallaglio

Added on 05/02/2021

Risorse umane
 Il corporate welfare: impatti su sostenibilità, persone, territorio
Il corporate welfare: impatti su sostenibilità, persone, territorio

Daniele Sacco

Added on 05/02/2021

Risorse umane
Rapporto 2020. L'impresa al centro della comunità
Rapporto 2020. L'impresa al centro della comunità

Welfare Index PMI

Added on 05/02/2021

Risorse umane
Il Welfare in Generali
Il Welfare in Generali

Gianluca Perin

Added on 05/02/2021

Risorse umane
Il Welfare SAS nel New Normal
Il Welfare SAS nel New Normal

Stefano Quaia

Added on 05/02/2021

Risorse umane

Marco Grazioli

Added on 03/02/2021

Risorse umane
Negoziare sotto pressione: esempi e lezioni da mondi diversi
Negoziare sotto pressione: esempi e lezioni da mondi diversi

Gianpiero Succi

Added on 03/02/2021

Risorse umane
Managing Virtual Teams
Managing Virtual Teams

Olivier Serrat

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
How to do performance reviews — remotely
How to do performance reviews — remotely

Mark Mortensen

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
The three main challenges of remote working
The three main challenges of remote working

Mark Mortensen

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
How to prepare your virtual teams for the long haul
How to prepare your virtual teams for the long haul

Mark Mortensen
Constance Noonan Hadley

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
Smart worker e smart working places: lavorare oltre l’ufficio
Smart worker e smart working places: lavorare oltre l’ufficio

Luca Oliva
Franca Maino
Elena Barazzetta

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
Remote Working (and leading) managing the dynamics of virtual teams, in remote working
Remote Working (and leading) managing the dynamics of virtual teams, in remote working

Mark Mortensen

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane
Shifting Team Research after COVID-19: Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change
Shifting Team Research after COVID-19: Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change

Deborah Ancona
Henrik Bresman
Mark Mortensen

Added on 02/02/2021

Risorse umane