Oggi è la Giornata della Terra, l'ecologismo è scienza sprecata
Oggi è la Giornata della Terra, l'ecologismo è scienza sprecata

Luca Mercalli

Added on 07/06/2020

Ecco perchè l'ambiente è più importante della salute
Ecco perchè l'ambiente è più importante della salute

Luca Mercalli

Added on 07/06/2020

E se dopo il boom dei virologi ci affidassimo ai climatologi? Consigli per ripartire grenn
E se dopo il boom dei virologi ci affidassimo ai climatologi? Consigli per ripartire grenn

Luca Mercalli

Added on 07/06/2020

Seize This Moment To Declutter Your Workday
Seize This Moment To Declutter Your Workday

Lisa Bodell

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Is Technology Really Helping Us Get More Done?
Is Technology Really Helping Us Get More Done?

Michael Mankins

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Killing complexity - Why simpes wins: How to eliminate complexity and unleash innovation in your organization
Killing complexity - Why simpes wins: How to eliminate complexity and unleash innovation in your organization

Lisa Bodell

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
5 Easy Ways To Boost Remote Productivity
5 Easy Ways To Boost Remote Productivity

Lisa Bodell

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Writing a new leadership playbook
Writing a new leadership playbook

Zach Church

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Simplify Your Innovation Process Into 5 Phases
Simplify Your Innovation Process Into 5 Phases

Lisa Bodell

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Cracking the culture code of a great company
Cracking the culture code of a great company

A. Douglas

Added on 04/06/2020

Risorse umane
Making Judgment Calls
Making Judgment Calls

Noel Tichy

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
The Five Traps of Performance Measurement
The Five Traps of Performance Measurement

Andrew Likierman

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Good judgmennt
Good judgmennt

Andrew Likierman

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Blink The power of thinking whiout thinking
Blink The power of thinking whiout thinking

Malcolm Gladwell

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Thinking fast and slow
Thinking fast and slow

Daniel Kahneman

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
The Elements of Good Judgment
The Elements of Good Judgment

Andrew Likierman

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Successful leadership
Successful leadership

Business Strategy Rewiev

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Seeing what others don't
Seeing what others don't

Gary Klein

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
From Economic Man to Behavioral Economics
From "Economic Man" to Behavioral Economics

Justin Fox

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Sir Andrew Likierman of London Business School on good leaders
Sir Andrew Likierman of London Business School on good leaders

Andrew Likierman

Added on 03/06/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Groupthinking, Kobe Bryant, Responsabilità, Costruzione, tempo e spazio
Groupthinking, Kobe Bryant, Responsabilità, Costruzione, tempo e spazio

Ettore Messina
Flavio Tranquillo

Added on 02/06/2020

Leadership, 20 marzo, 21 marzo, 28 marzo, Pressione
Leadership, 20 marzo, 21 marzo, 28 marzo, Pressione

Ettore Messina
Flavio Tranquillo

Added on 02/06/2020

Edge: Value-Driven Digital Transformation
Edge: Value-Driven Digital Transformation

Jim Highsmith
Linda Luu
David Robinson

Added on 28/05/2020

Post COVID-19, The Answer Is Digital Transformation, Now What’s The Question?
Post COVID-19, The Answer Is Digital Transformation, Now What’s The Question?

Dave Evans

Added on 28/05/2020
