AI in healthcare - An AI system identified a potential new drug in just 46 days Charlotte JeeAdded on 09/07/2020 Innovazione
What Coronavirus Could Mean for the Global Economy Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak Martin Reeves Paul SwartzAdded on 09/07/2020 Scenario
A classic negotiation framework, still applicable after 50 years Dylan WalshAdded on 08/07/2020 Risorse umane
Fintech: la nuova vita della finanza grazie alla tecnologia Elena LavezziAdded on 07/07/2020 Innovazione
Logistics are key as NYC startup prepares to reopen office Natasha MascarenhasAdded on 07/07/2020 Innovazione
Black Swans, Dragon Kings and Gray Rhinos: The World War of 1914-1918 and the Pandemic of 2020-? Niall FergusonAdded on 01/07/2020 Leadership
What world post-COVID-19? - Three scenarios Mathew Burrows Peter EngelkeAdded on 01/07/2020 Innovazione
Accelerating Innovation Through a Network of Ecosystems Elizabeth J. Altman Frank NagleAdded on 30/06/2020 Leadership
3 Innovation Strategies for the Age of Digital Disruption Marc Alba OteroAdded on 30/06/2020 Leadership
Barça Innovation Hub (BIH) Goes Global: Innovation On and Off the Pitch Felipe Monteiro John Davies Anne-Marie CarrickAdded on 30/06/2020 Leadership