Global Prospects and Policies
Global Prospects and Policies

International Monetary Fund

Added on 13/11/2019

Scenario Economia
Wal-Mart finds that its formula doesn't fit every culture
Wal-Mart finds that its formula doesn't fit every culture

Mark Landler
Michael Barbaro

Added on 12/11/2019

Alta Direzione Comunicazione
Why understanding your customers is the only marketing strategy you need
Why understanding your customers is the only marketing strategy you need

Neil Patel

Added on 12/11/2019

Alta Direzione Comunicazione
I megatrend tecnologici del prossimo futuro
I megatrend tecnologici del prossimo futuro

Alec Ross

Added on 12/11/2019

Il talento italiano può creare un modello di crescita
Il talento italiano può creare un modello di crescita

Alec Ross

Added on 12/11/2019

L'arte del negoziato
L'arte del negoziato

Roger Fisher
William Ury
Bruce Patton

Added on 12/11/2019

Risorse umane
Uno start act per l'innovazione
Uno start act per l'innovazione

Mattia Mor
Alec Ross

Added on 12/11/2019

Come comprendere clienti e fornitori di culture diverse, in 3 step
Come comprendere clienti e fornitori di culture diverse, in 3 step

Paolo Nagari

Added on 12/11/2019

Risorse umane
How EBay failed in China
How EBay failed in China

Helen H. Wang

Added on 12/11/2019

Alta Direzione Comunicazione
Negoziazione interculturale. Comunicare oltre le barriere culturali. Dalle relazioni interne sino alle trattative internazionali
Negoziazione interculturale. Comunicare oltre le barriere culturali. Dalle relazioni interne sino alle trattative internazionali

Daniele Trevisani

Added on 12/11/2019

Risorse umane
Fear of the robots is founded in the messy reality of labour
Fear of the robots is founded in the messy reality of labour

Duncan Weldon

Added on 12/11/2019

How to succeed in the networked world
How to succeed in the networked world

Anne-Marie Slaughter

Added on 12/11/2019

The economic impact of Boris Johnson's brexit proposals
The economic impact of Boris Johnson's brexit proposals

The UK In A Changing Europe

Added on 08/11/2019

Indagine sulle imprese industriali e dei servizi
Indagine sulle imprese industriali e dei servizi

Banca D'Italia

Added on 08/11/2019

Americans do it better: us multinationals and the productivity miracle
Americans do it better: us multinationals and the productivity miracle

Nicholas Bloom
Raffaella Sadun
John Van Reenen

Added on 08/11/2019

Alta Direzione
Youth drain, entrepreneurship and innovation
Youth drain, entrepreneurship and innovation

Massimo Anelli
Gaetano Basso
Giuseppe Ippedico
Giovanni Peri

Added on 08/11/2019

Global Trade and Local Challenges
Global Trade and Local Challenges

Fadi Hassan

Added on 08/11/2019

The productivity puzzle and misallocation: an Italian perspective
The productivity puzzle and misallocation: an Italian perspective

Sara Calligaris
Massimo Del Gatto
Fadi Hassan
Gianmarco Ottaviano
Fabiano Schivardi

Added on 08/11/2019

Trump's trade war timeline: an up-to-date guide
Trump's trade war timeline: an up-to-date guide

Chad Bown
Melina Kolb

Added on 08/11/2019

Transient Advantage
Transient Advantage

Rita Gunther McGrath

Added on 31/10/2019

Risorse umane
A guide to Radical Innovation: driving transformation within the company
A guide to Radical Innovation: driving transformation within the company

David Gram

Added on 27/10/2019

Building the Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility
Building the Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

Craig N. Smith

Added on 25/10/2019

Alta Direzione Risorse umane
Mobilità e Formula 1 nel 2050: il futuro tra nuove tecnologie e innovazione
Mobilità e Formula 1 nel 2050: il futuro tra nuove tecnologie e innovazione

Rodi Basso

Added on 24/10/2019

Building a strategic foundation for radical innovation in business
Building a strategic foundation for radical innovation in business

David Gram

Added on 24/10/2019
