Fear to Innovate
Fear to Innovate

Janet Sernack

Added on 27/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
13 Experts Share Their Change Management Tips
13 Experts Share Their Change Management Tips

Braden Kelley

Added on 27/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Capitoli tratti da Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo
Capitoli tratti da "Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo"

John P. Kotter
Holger Rathgeber

Added on 27/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Actions to Reduce Fear and Innovation Failure
Actions to Reduce Fear and Innovation Failure

Daniel Nolan

Added on 27/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Perché siamo irrazionali con i nostri soldi. Le difficoltà a valutare rischi e benefici
Perché siamo irrazionali con i nostri soldi. Le difficoltà a valutare rischi e benefici

Massimo Piattellini Palmarini

Added on 26/11/2018

Risorse umane
Emozioni e cervello: cosa si nasconde dietro le nostre decisioni
Emozioni e cervello: cosa si nasconde dietro le nostre decisioni

Matteo Motterlini

Added on 26/11/2018

Risorse umane
Executive Order Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better Serve the American People
Executive Order Using Behavioral Science Insights to Better Serve the American People

The White House Office Of The Press Secretary

Added on 26/11/2018

Risorse umane
The Functional and Structural Neural Basis of Individual Differences in Loss Aversion
The Functional and Structural Neural Basis of Individual Differences in Loss Aversion

Matteo Motterlini
Nicola Canessa

Added on 26/11/2018

Risorse umane
AI e Economia dell'Intelligenza
AI e Economia dell'Intelligenza

Giulia Baccarin

Added on 22/11/2018

Innovazione Comunicazione
Presentazione di Patrizia Cianetti
Presentazione di Patrizia Cianetti

Patrizia Cianetti

Added on 22/11/2018

Sales & Marketing
Intelligenze artificiali per una governance etica
Intelligenze artificiali per una governance etica

Paolo Benanti

Added on 22/11/2018

Innovazione Comunicazione
The Platform Shift
The Platform Shift

Uljan Sharka

Added on 22/11/2018

Innovazione Comunicazione
Una start-up in Silicon Valley, tra IA e robot
Una start-up in Silicon Valley, tra IA e robot

Davide Venturelli

Added on 22/11/2018

Innovazione Comunicazione
Presentazione di Giulia Baccarin AI e Economia dell?Intelligenza 22/11/2018
Presentazione di Giulia Baccarin "AI e Economia dell?Intelligenza" 22/11/2018

Giulia Baccarin

Added on 22/11/2018

Presentazione Dario Pagani
Presentazione Dario Pagani

Dario Pagani

Added on 21/11/2018

People analitycs by design
People analitycs by design

Erik Van Vulpen

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Why most companies are helpless victims of HR technology
Why most companies are helpless victims of HR technology

Erik Van Vulpen

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane
Why Data Is HR's Most Important Asset
Why Data Is HR's Most Important Asset

Bernard Marr

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Robotic Process Automation And Artificial Intelligence In HR And Business Support - It's Coming
Robotic Process Automation And Artificial Intelligence In HR And Business Support - It's Coming

Bernard Marr

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
What is organizational culture?
What is organizational culture?

Gotham Culture

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane
10 ways artificial intelligence will change recruitment practices
10 ways artificial intelligence will change recruitment practices

Forbes Coaches Council

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane
No vision, no future!
No vision, no future!

Andre De Wit

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
A road map for successful strategy execution
A road map for successful strategy execution

Fabrizio Ferraro
Josè Miguel Arguelles
Massimo Maoret

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane
Data-Driven HR: How Big Data And Analytics Are Transforming Recruitment
Data-Driven HR: How Big Data And Analytics Are Transforming Recruitment

Bernard Marr

Added on 20/11/2018

Risorse umane Leadership