What is Resilience?
What is Resilience?

Adrian Furnham

Added on 23/03/2020

Risorse umane
Build Your Resilience in the Face of a Crisis
Build Your Resilience in the Face of a Crisis

Rasmus Hougaard
Jacqueline Carter
Moses Mohan

Added on 23/03/2020

Risorse umane
How to Manage Fear and Stress
How to Manage Fear and Stress

Adrian Furnham

Added on 23/03/2020

Risorse umane
Mappare la diffusione dei virus grazie a Big Data e A.I.: epidemie, dati e futuro
Mappare la diffusione dei virus grazie a Big Data e A.I.: epidemie, dati e futuro

Alessandro Vespignani

Added on 23/03/2020

Helping Remote Workers Avoid Loneliness and Burnout
Helping Remote Workers Avoid Loneliness and Burnout

Jennifer Moss

Added on 23/03/2020

Risorse umane
Bill Gates addresses coronavirus fears and hopes in AMA
Bill Gates addresses coronavirus fears and hopes in AMA

Devin Coldewey

Added on 23/03/2020

Risorse umane
Istruzioni al Governo per rimbalzare in avanti
Istruzioni al Governo per rimbalzare in avanti

Enrico Giovannini

Added on 22/03/2020

Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus
Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 19/03/2020

Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus - Presentazione di Enrico Giovannini
Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus - Presentazione di Enrico Giovannini

Enrico Giovannini

Added on 19/03/2020

Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus - Presentazione di Valerio De Molli
Dalla vulnerabilità alla resilienza: come gestire le istituzioni e le imprese ai tempi del Coronavirus - Presentazione di Valerio De Molli

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 19/03/2020

Fondi Strutturali e di Investimento Europei
Fondi Strutturali e di Investimento Europei

Roberto Maroni

Added on 18/03/2020

La pandemia da Coronavirus
La pandemia da Coronavirus

Carlo Signorelli

Added on 17/03/2020

Phase transitions in information spreading on structured populations
Phase transitions in information spreading on structured populations

Jessica Davis
Nicola Perra
Qian Zhang
Yamir Moreno
Alessandro Vespignani

Added on 12/03/2020

Inferring high-resolution human mixing patterns for disease modeling
Inferring high-resolution human mixing patterns for disease modeling

Dina Mistry
Maria Litvinova
Ana Pastore Y Piontti
Matteo Chinazzi
Laura Fumanelli
Marcelo Gomes
Syed Haque
Quan-Hui Liu
Kunpeng Mu
Xinyue Xiong

Added on 12/03/2020

How can we stop the spread of false rumors about COVID-19? Better math
How can we stop the spread of false rumors about COVID-19? Better math

Roberto Molar Candanosa

Added on 12/03/2020

Preliminary assessment of the international spreading risk associated with the 2019 novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Wuhan city
Preliminary assessment of the international spreading risk associated with the 2019 novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Wuhan city

Matteo Chinazzi
Jessica Davis
Corrado Gioannini
Maria Litvinova
Ana Pastore Y Piontti
Luca Rossi
Xinyue Xiong
Elizabeth Halloran
Ira Longini
Alessandro Vespignani

Added on 12/03/2020

Preliminary analysis of the 2019 nCOV outbreak in Wuhan city
Preliminary analysis of the 2019 nCOV outbreak in Wuhan city

Mobs Lab

Added on 12/03/2020

How computer scientists are trying to predict the coronavirus's next moves
How computer scientists are trying to predict the coronavirus's next moves

Emily Waltz

Added on 12/03/2020

Buone informazioni e cattiva stampa.  Il ruolo dei Media nella gestione delle crisi Paese
Buone informazioni e cattiva stampa. Il ruolo dei Media nella gestione delle crisi Paese

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 11/03/2020

The future of influenza forecasts
The future of influenza forecasts

PNAS Vol. 116
Cécile Viboud
Alessandro Vespignani

Added on 11/03/2020

Innovazione Scenario
A visual history of the future
A visual history of the future

Nick Dunn

Added on 09/03/2020

Strategic research, innovation and deployment agenda for an AI PPP
Strategic research, innovation and deployment agenda for an AI PPP

Big Data Value Association

Added on 09/03/2020

Predire le epidemie
Predire le epidemie

Alessandro Vespignani

Added on 09/03/2020

Innovazione Scenario
Meat consumption, health, and the environment
Meat consumption, health, and the environment

Charles Godfray
Paul Aveyard
Tara Garnett
Jim Hall
Timothy Key
Jamie Lorimer
Ray Pierrehumbert
Peter Scarborough
Marco Springmann
Susan Jebb

Added on 09/03/2020
