The Next Big Threat to Consumer Brands (Yes, Amazon’s Behind It)
The Next Big Threat to Consumer Brands (Yes, Amazon’s Behind It)

Saabira Chaudhuri
Sharon Terlep

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
Corporate Rebels
Corporate Rebels

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
The Living Company: A Recipe for Success in the New Economy
The Living Company: A Recipe for Success in the New Economy

Arie P. De Geus

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
Inside Amazon Go, a store of the future
Inside Amazon Go, a store of the future

Nick Wingfield

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
Il contante nei pagamenti
Il contante nei pagamenti

Roberto Rinaldi

Added on 01/06/2018

Osservatorio pagamenti
Osservatorio pagamenti

Alberto Dalmasso

Added on 01/06/2018


Alberto Dalmasso

Added on 01/06/2018

Enel X e-Mobility
Enel X e-Mobility

Alberto Piglia

Added on 24/05/2018

e-Mobility Revolution. Filiera allargata e competenze Italia
e-Mobility Revolution. Filiera allargata e competenze Italia

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 24/05/2018

e-Mobility Revolution. Mappa concettuale
e-Mobility Revolution. Mappa concettuale

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 24/05/2018

E-MOBILITY REVOLUTION. Gli impatti sulle filiere industriali e sul sistema-Paese: quale Agenda per l'Italia
E-MOBILITY REVOLUTION. Gli impatti sulle filiere industriali e sul sistema-Paese: quale Agenda per l'Italia

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 24/05/2018

L'evoluzione dell'advertising online: “Making the Internet better for everyone” - articolo di sintesi
L'evoluzione dell'advertising online: “Making the Internet better for everyone” - articolo di sintesi

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 23/05/2018

Innovazione Comunicazione
How Humble Leadership Really Works
How Humble Leadership Really Works

Dan Cable

Added on 22/05/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Leader Humility and Team Innovation: Investigating the Substituting Role of Task Interdependence and the Mediating Role of Team Voice Climate
Leader Humility and Team Innovation: Investigating the Substituting Role of Task Interdependence and the Mediating Role of Team Voice Climate

Wenxing Liu
Jianghua Mao
Xiao Chen

Added on 22/05/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Humble Leadership: Why Humility Matters for Managers
Humble Leadership: Why Humility Matters for Managers

Karina Fabian

Added on 22/05/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
Does Humble Leadership Behavior Promote Employees' Voice Behavior? A Dual Mediating Model
Does Humble Leadership Behavior Promote Employees' Voice Behavior? A Dual Mediating Model

Chaoyu Liu

Added on 22/05/2018

Risorse umane Leadership
How to reconcile risk sharing and market discipline in the euro area
How to reconcile risk sharing and market discipline in the euro area

VOX CEPR's Policy Portal

Added on 21/05/2018

Lo scenario europeo e il ruolo dell’Italia
Lo scenario europeo e il ruolo dell’Italia

Enrico Letta

Added on 21/05/2018

Fit for purpose: a German-Spanish proposal for a robust European Unemployment Insurance
Fit for purpose: a German-Spanish proposal for a robust European Unemployment Insurance

Sebastian Dullien
Jonas Fernández
Marc López
Gero Maass
Daniel Del Prado
Jakob Von Weizsäcker

Added on 17/05/2018

The Golden Rule of Public Investment – A Necessary and Sufficient Reform of the EU Fiscal Framework?
The Golden Rule of Public Investment – A Necessary and Sufficient Reform of the EU Fiscal Framework?

Achim Truger

Added on 17/05/2018

Documento di Economia e Finanza 2018 - Programma di stabilita' dell'Italia
Documento di Economia e Finanza 2018 - Programma di stabilita' dell'Italia

Ministero Dell'Economia E Delle Finanze

Added on 17/05/2018

IMF Fiscal Monitor: Capitalizing on Good Times
IMF Fiscal Monitor: Capitalizing on Good Times

International Monetary Fund

Added on 17/05/2018

L'Italia nella crisi europea articolo di sintesi
L'Italia nella crisi europea articolo di sintesi

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 14/05/2018

La terra è blu come l’arancia. Conversazioni cromatiche con Sylvain Bellenger
La terra è blu come l’arancia. Conversazioni cromatiche con Sylvain Bellenger

Paul Eluard

Added on 11/05/2018

Innovazione Alta Direzione