Benefits & Risks Of Artificial Intelligence
Benefits & Risks Of Artificial Intelligence

Max Tegmark

Added on 12/06/2019

Innovazione Scenario
A Summary of Concrete Problems in AI Safety
A Summary of Concrete Problems in AI Safety

Shagun Sodhani

Added on 12/06/2019

Innovazione Scenario
When and How To Speak Up
When and How To Speak Up

Paul A. Argenti

Added on 11/06/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
Corporate Communications Lufthansa Group
Corporate Communications Lufthansa Group

Andreas Bartles

Added on 11/06/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
Will data analytics, algorithms and AI enhance communication? Or plunge us into POST-COMMUNICATION?
Will data analytics, algorithms and AI enhance communication? Or plunge us into POST-COMMUNICATION?

Jim Macnamara

Added on 11/06/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
Creating a ‘Democracy for everyone’. Strategies for increasing listening and engagement by government
Creating a ‘Democracy for everyone’. Strategies for increasing listening and engagement by government

Jim Macnamara

Added on 11/06/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
Da manager a leader: i pilastri del carisma
Da manager a leader: i pilastri del carisma

Livio Sgarbi

Added on 05/06/2019

Risorse umane
Future of AI
Future of AI

Jim Spohrer

Added on 03/06/2019

Sharing Economy: prospettive, rischi ed opportunità secondo Airbnb
Sharing Economy: prospettive, rischi ed opportunità secondo Airbnb

Jeroen Merchiers

Added on 30/05/2019

Innovazione Scenario Economia
Come nasce ogni giorno il quotidiano La Stampa
Come nasce ogni giorno il quotidiano La Stampa

La Stampa

Added on 30/05/2019

Innovazione Alta Direzione
L’IA nella Supply Chain: sfide e opportunità. L'esperienza di Decathlon
L’IA nella Supply Chain: sfide e opportunità. L'esperienza di Decathlon

Franck Boulet

Added on 29/05/2019

Managing Complex and Multilateral Negotiations: Lessons from International Diplomacy for the World of Business
Managing Complex and Multilateral Negotiations: Lessons from International Diplomacy for the World of Business

Nick Coburn-Palo

Added on 28/05/2019

Alta Direzione Sales & Marketing Risorse umane
Mister made in Italy il tricolore online vale un miliardo
Mister made in Italy il tricolore online vale un miliardo

Francesca Gambarini

Added on 22/05/2019

Sales & Marketing
Combating the Amazon Effect to Close the Gap Between Customer Experiences and Expectation
Combating the Amazon Effect to Close the Gap Between Customer Experiences and Expectation

Amanda Forshew

Added on 22/05/2019

Sales & Marketing
Lettera agli azionisti 2018
Lettera agli azionisti 2018

Jeffrey Bezos

Added on 22/05/2019

Sales & Marketing
L'Italia dei giovani inventori che vincono a colpi di robot
L'Italia dei giovani inventori che vincono a colpi di robot

Ettore Livini

Added on 22/05/2019

Sales & Marketing
Three Customer Experience Lessons From Amazon
Three Customer Experience Lessons From Amazon

Derek Corcoran

Added on 22/05/2019

Sales & Marketing
The Workforce View in Europe 2019
The Workforce View in Europe 2019


Added on 20/05/2019

Risorse umane
HR focus: cultura aziendale, sviluppo dell’organizzazione e ruolo dei leaders. L'esperienza di Heineken
HR focus: cultura aziendale, sviluppo dell’organizzazione e ruolo dei leaders. L'esperienza di Heineken

Mario Perego

Added on 20/05/2019

Risorse umane
The ECB's performance during the crisis: Lessons learned
The ECB's performance during the crisis: Lessons learned

Ashoka Mody

Added on 16/05/2019

The Eternally Optimistic IMF
The Eternally Optimistic IMF

Ashoka Mody

Added on 16/05/2019

On the euro's 20th-anniversary, Draghi's tribute perpetuates long-refuted myths
On the euro's 20th-anniversary, Draghi's tribute perpetuates long-refuted myths

Ashoka Mody

Added on 16/05/2019

Guest Contribution: The ECB has reached the end of its rope, leaving the eurozone with few options
Guest Contribution: The ECB has reached the end of its rope, leaving the eurozone with few options

Ashoka Mody

Added on 16/05/2019

Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the other 99 percent
Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the "other 99 percent"

David Autor

Added on 16/05/2019
