The ECB must reconsider its plan to tighten
The ECB must reconsider its plan to tighten

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The Brexit delusion of creating “Singapore upon Thames”
The Brexit delusion of creating “Singapore upon Thames”

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Monetary policy in the euro area
Monetary policy in the euro area

Mario Draghi

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2019
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2019

International Monetary Fund

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Global growth weakening as some risks materialise
Global growth weakening as some risks materialise

OECD Interim Economic Outlook

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Does better management lead to better performance?
Does better management lead to better performance?

Vlatka Hlupic

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
The frogs in hot water
The frogs in hot water

Dialogue Review

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Mindset: the big shift
Mindset: the big shift

Dialogue Review

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Ethos, Pathos, Logos – The Three Pillars of Rhetoric
Ethos, Pathos, Logos – The Three Pillars of Rhetoric

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Power of the Pause
The Power of the Pause

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Four Truths of the Storyteller
The Four Truths of the Storyteller

Peter Guber

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Psychology of Storytelling
The Psychology of Storytelling

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Powerful Preparation for a Speech or Presentation
Powerful Preparation for a Speech or Presentation

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Storytelling: il lato narrativo del brand personale e aziendale
Storytelling: il lato narrativo del brand personale e aziendale

Andrea Fontana

Added on 25/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
Storie che incantano. Il lato narrativo dei brand
Storie che incantano. Il lato narrativo dei brand

Andrea Fontana

Added on 25/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
How to Win in an Omnichannel World
How to Win in an Omnichannel World

David R. Bell
Santiago Gallino
Antonio Moreno

Added on 22/03/2019

Sales & Marketing
The Amazon–Whole Foods Deal Means Every Other Retailer’s Three-Year Plan Is Obsolete
The Amazon–Whole Foods Deal Means Every Other Retailer’s Three-Year Plan Is Obsolete

Darrel K. Rigby

Added on 22/03/2019

Sales & Marketing
The Future of Retail: the Omnichannel Experience
The Future of Retail: the Omnichannel Experience

Jonathan Reynolds

Added on 22/03/2019

Sales & Marketing
Let the policymakers handle the trolley problems
Let the policymakers handle the "trolley" problems

Brad Templeton

Added on 20/03/2019

Il lavoro c'è ma ci interessa?
Il lavoro c'è ma ci interessa?

Ferruccio De Bortoli

Added on 20/03/2019

Scenario Economia
Salvataggi e non è finita: Carige, la crisi e le altre
Salvataggi e non è finita: Carige, la crisi e le altre

Ferruccio De Bortoli

Added on 20/03/2019

Scenario Economia
Ragazzi ecco la vostra eredità
Ragazzi ecco la vostra eredità

Ferruccio De Bortoli

Added on 20/03/2019

Scenario Economia
Testimony on Autonomous Vehicles before the Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee and the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee
Testimony on Autonomous Vehicles before the Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee and the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee

Alain L. Kornhauser

Added on 20/03/2019

How Autonomous Vehicles Will Upend Transportation
How Autonomous Vehicles Will Upend Transportation

Added on 20/03/2019
