L'Italia e l'austerità che non c'è (così come la crescita)
L'Italia e l'austerità che non c'è (così come la crescita)

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

La mancanza di rigore prima o poi presenta il conto (agli altri)
La mancanza di rigore prima o poi presenta il conto (agli altri)

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

Le regole fiscali servono non sono stupide
Le regole fiscali servono non sono stupide

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

Learning about fiscal multipliers during the European sovereign debt crisis: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Learning about fiscal multipliers during the European sovereign debt crisis: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

Lucyna Gòrnicka
Christophe Kamps
Gerrit Koester
Nadine Leiner-Killinger

Added on 03/07/2018

Interview with the Financial Times - Interview with Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB
Interview with the Financial Times - Interview with Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB

Vítor Constâncio
Claire Jones

Added on 03/07/2018

Occhio: la nuova Eurozona offre all'Italia più rischi che benefici
Occhio: la nuova Eurozona offre all'Italia più rischi che benefici

Guido Tabellini

Added on 03/07/2018

Lettera al Premier: come proteggere l'interesse italiano in Europa
Lettera al Premier: come proteggere l'interesse italiano in Europa

Francesco Giavazzi
Lucrezia Reichlin
Luigi Zingales

Added on 03/07/2018

Il ruolo dell'Italia in Europa
Il ruolo dell'Italia in Europa

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

France and Germany finally have a common position on euro-zone reform
France and Germany finally have a common position on euro-zone reform

The Economist

Added on 03/07/2018

Investimenti e il miracolo impossibile: alzare il Pil e tagliare il debito
Investimenti e il miracolo impossibile: alzare il Pil e tagliare il debito

Carlo Cottarelli

Added on 03/07/2018

L'austerità fa crescere?
L'austerità fa crescere?

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

Does fiscal austerity affect public opinion?
Does fiscal austerity affect public opinion?

Anna Kalbhenn
Livio Stracca

Added on 03/07/2018

Money and Happiness - The New Psychology of Money
Money and Happiness - The New Psychology of Money

Adrian Furnham

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
Mary Barra: Think Customer
Mary Barra: Think Customer


Added on 28/06/2018

Operations - R&D Innovazione
The impact of individual versus group rewards on work group performance and cooperation: a computational social science approach
The impact of individual versus group rewards on work group performance and cooperation: a computational social science approach

Daniel Ladley
Ian Wilkinson
Louise Young

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
GM 2017 Sustainability Report
GM 2017 Sustainability Report

General Motors

Added on 28/06/2018

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Money and Motivation in the Workplace - The New Psychology of Money
Money and Motivation in the Workplace - The New Psychology of Money

Adrian Furnham

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
Reward strategy. Ten Common Mistakes
Reward strategy. Ten Common Mistakes

Stephen Bevan

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
Denaro e motivazione. Comprenderne a fondo la relazione (per sfruttarla al meglio)
Denaro e motivazione. Comprenderne a fondo la relazione (per sfruttarla al meglio)

Adrian Furnham

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
Money Madness: Money and Mental Health - The New Psychology of Money
Money Madness: Money and Mental Health - The New Psychology of Money

Adrian Furnham

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
The New Psychology of Money
The New Psychology of Money

Adrian Furnham

Added on 28/06/2018

Risorse umane
Between Hype and Reality
Between Hype and Reality

Ferdinando M. Ametrano

Added on 25/06/2018

Response to ESMA/2016/773. The Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets
Response to ESMA/2016/773. The Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets

Ferdinando M. Ametrano

Added on 25/06/2018

Understanding Blockchain
Understanding Blockchain

Ferdinando M. Ametrano

Added on 25/06/2018
