Why managers fail and derail: The Bright and Dark Side of Leadership Adrian FurnhamAdded on 19/02/2018 Risorse umane
Operational Excellence: The future of lean production and the role of Industry 4.0 technologies Torbjørn NetlandAdded on 16/02/2018 Risorse umane
What it takes: Ability, demographic, bright and dark side trait correlates of years to promotion Adrian Furnham John Crump William RitchieAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
The Elephant in the Boardroom: The Causes of Leadership Derailment Adrian FurnhamAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
Why CEO's Fail: The 11 Behaviors That Can Derail Your Climb to the Top and How to Manage Them David L. Dotlich Peter C. CairoAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
Piano Operativo 2017 - 2019 con proiezione al 2020 Autorità Di Sistema Portuale Del Mar Tirreno Centrale Added on 13/02/2018 Operations - R&D Scenario
An Investigation of Attitudes toward Surveillance at Work and Its Correlates Adrian FurnhamAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
The higher you climb: Dark side personality and job level Adrian Furnham Oluf Gøtzsche Asrtup Joan JakobsenAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
Measuring the Dark Side - tratto da Psychometric Testing: Critical Perspectives Barry CrippsAdded on 13/02/2018 Risorse umane
Do your Dark Side Traits Fit? Dysfunctional Personalities in Different Work Sectors Adrian FurnhamAdded on 12/02/2018 Risorse umane
Backstabbers and Bullies: How to Cope with the Dark Side of People at Work Adrian FurnhamAdded on 12/02/2018 Risorse umane
Bad Apples. Identify, Prevent & Manage Negative Behavior at Work Adrian Furnham James TaylorAdded on 12/02/2018 Risorse umane
Stealing in the name of justice: Informational and interpersonal moderators of theft reactions to underpayment inequity. Jerald GreenbergAdded on 12/02/2018 Risorse umane
How to Change a Culture: Lessons From NUMMI John ShookAdded on 09/02/2018 Operations - R&D Innovazione
The Routledge Companion to Lean Management Torbjorn H. Netland Daryl J. PowellAdded on 09/02/2018 Operations - R&D Innovazione
What to Expect From a Corporate Lean Program Torbjørn Netland Kasra FerdowsAdded on 09/02/2018 Operations - R&D Innovazione