Gli USA motore della crescita globale, frena l'Euroarea: Italia sotto i riflettori Confindustria Centro StudiAdded on 11/06/2018 Scenario
The rise of the algorithm need not be bad news for humans Luciano FloridiAdded on 06/06/2018 Innovazione
Roman law offers a better guide to robot rights than sci-fi Luciano FloridiAdded on 06/06/2018 Innovazione
A fallacy that will hinder advances in artificial intelligence Luciano FloridiAdded on 06/06/2018 Innovazione
What fashion brands can learn from Nike's first six months as an Amazon partner Hilar MilnesAdded on 04/06/2018 Sales & Marketing
Zappos is struggling with Holacracy because humans aren't designed to operate like software Aimee GrothAdded on 04/06/2018 Risorse umane
The Death of Clothing Lindsey Rupp Chloeì Whiteaker Matt Townsend Kim BhasinAdded on 04/06/2018 Sales & Marketing