Gli USA motore della crescita globale, frena l'Euroarea: Italia sotto i riflettori
Gli USA motore della crescita globale, frena l'Euroarea: Italia sotto i riflettori

Confindustria Centro Studi

Added on 11/06/2018

L'economia italiana all'avvio della legislatura
L'economia italiana all'avvio della legislatura

Andrea Montanino

Added on 11/06/2018

Siamo fuori dal tunnel della crisi?
Siamo fuori dal tunnel della crisi?

Andrea Montanino
Massimo Rodà

Added on 11/06/2018

Talent Management and the Dual-Career Couple
Talent Management and the Dual-Career Couple

Jennifer Petriglieri

Added on 08/06/2018

Risorse umane
The rise of the algorithm need not be bad news for humans
The rise of the algorithm need not be bad news for humans

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Robots, Jobs, Taxes, and Responsibilities
Robots, Jobs, Taxes, and Responsibilities

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

L’ultima legge della robotica
L’ultima legge della robotica

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Digital’s Cleaving Power and Its Consequences
Digital’s Cleaving Power and Its Consequences

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Roman law offers a better guide to robot rights than sci-fi
Roman law offers a better guide to robot rights than sci-fi

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Soft Ethics and the Governance of the Digital
Soft Ethics and the Governance of the Digital

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Quale progetto umano per la società dell’informazione
Quale progetto umano per la società dell’informazione

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

A fallacy that will hinder advances in artificial intelligence
A fallacy that will hinder advances in artificial intelligence

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2018

Embracing Agile
Embracing Agile

Darrell K. Rigby
Jeff Sutherland
Hirotaka Takeuchi

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
Which brands deliver the best customer experience?
Which brands deliver the best customer experience?

Alex Jones

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
What fashion brands can learn from Nike's first six months as an Amazon partner
What fashion brands can learn from Nike's first six months as an Amazon partner

Hilar Milnes

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
Omnichannel Experience
Omnichannel Experience

Jonathan Reynolds

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
Zappos is struggling with Holacracy because humans aren't designed to operate like software
Zappos is struggling with Holacracy because humans aren't designed to operate like software

Aimee Groth

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
The Death of Clothing
The Death of Clothing

Lindsey Rupp
Chloeì Whiteaker
Matt Townsend
Kim Bhasin

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
The Future of Retail Marketing - Part 1
The Future of Retail Marketing - Part 1

Borja Castresana

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
The Future of Retail Marketing - Part 2
The Future of Retail Marketing - Part 2

Borja Castresana

Added on 04/06/2018

Sales & Marketing
The future of organisations
The future of organisations

Eric-Axel Zimmer

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
From Systems to Organisations
From Systems to Organisations

Maurício V. Kritz

Added on 04/06/2018

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Recaps from Team of Teams
Recaps from Team of Teams

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane
The Knowledge Illusion - VIDEO
The Knowledge Illusion - VIDEO

Steven Sloman

Added on 04/06/2018

Risorse umane