L'Intelligenza Emotiva. Comprendere sé stessi e gli altri per raggiungere i propri obiettivi e orientare le prestazioni del gruppo Luca LattuadaAdded on 12/04/2018 Risorse umane
The European banking sector - the big challenges Sabine LautenschlägerAdded on 11/04/2018 Scenario Economia
Frequently Asked Questions: Capital requirements and resolution framework amendments European Commission - Fact Sheet Added on 11/04/2018 Scenario Economia
Ad hoc cumulative impact assessment of the basel refrom package EBA - European Banking Authority Added on 11/04/2018 Scenario Economia
Muovendo dai progressi realizzati con le riforme post-crisi ERSB - European Systemic Risk Board Added on 11/04/2018 Scenario Economia
Competere narrativamente lo storytelling Andrea FontanaAdded on 10/04/2018 Sales & Marketing Comunicazione
What local socio-economic conditions can tell us about the patterns of support in Italy's election Monica LangellaAdded on 05/04/2018 Scenario
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