Gerd Leonhard's Megashifts. Riffing on a key theme from Futurist Gerd's 2016 book on Technology vs Humanity
Gerd Leonhard's Megashifts. Riffing on a key theme from Futurist Gerd's 2016 book on Technology vs Humanity


Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Digital Transformation - Gerd Leonhard
Digital Transformation - Gerd Leonhard

Gerd Leonhard

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Interview with Gerd Leonhard and his new book Technology vs. Humanity
Interview with Gerd Leonhard and his new book "Technology vs. Humanity"

Institute For Ethics And Emerging Technologies

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Technology vs. Humanity: The coming clash between man and machine - Preview
Technology vs. Humanity: The coming clash between man and machine - Preview

Gerd Leonhard

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Horizontal Leadership
Horizontal Leadership

Sandy Strasser

Added on 22/06/2017

Risorse umane Leadership
Redefining the Relationship of Man and Machine
Redefining the Relationship of Man and Machine

Gerd Leonhard

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Indice - Gerd Leonhard
Indice - Gerd Leonhard

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
The Megashifts Reshaping Our World
The Megashifts Reshaping Our World

Fast Future Publishing

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
The technological megashifts reshaping our world
The technological megashifts reshaping our world

Fast Future

Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Raccolta di video
Raccolta di video


Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Technology vs Humanity - The Future is already here
Technology vs Humanity - The Future is already here


Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
Futurist Gerd Leonhard Explains the Megashifts
Futurist Gerd Leonhard Explains the Megashifts


Added on 22/06/2017

Innovazione Scenario
The Board-Management Relationship: How to Achieve Control and Support
The Board-Management Relationship: How to Achieve Control and Support

Jean-François Manzoni

Added on 22/06/2017

Scenario Leadership
Presentazione di Lucio Caracciolo
Presentazione di Lucio Caracciolo

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 14/06/2017

L'Europa tedesca, incubo americano
L'Europa tedesca, incubo americano

Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 5/17

Added on 14/06/2017

Così gli Stati Uniti attaccheranno la Germania
Così gli Stati Uniti attaccheranno la Germania

Dario Fabbri
Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 5/17

Added on 14/06/2017

Putting Customer Focus into Practice
Putting Customer Focus into Practice

Patrick Barwise

Added on 14/06/2017

Sales & Marketing
L'impero a credito all'attacco dell'Euromarco
L'impero a credito all'attacco dell'Euromarco

Fabrizio Maronta
Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 5/17

Added on 14/06/2017

The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader
The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader

Patrick Barwise

Added on 14/06/2017

Sales & Marketing
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

Robert Coram

Added on 13/06/2017

Complexity: the emerging science at the edge of order and chaos
Complexity: the emerging science at the edge of order and chaos

M. Mitchell Waldrop

Added on 13/06/2017

Operations - R&D
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders

L. David Marquet
Stephen R. Covey

Added on 13/06/2017

Operations - R&D Risorse umane
Governance and Culture in the Banking Sector
Governance and Culture in the Banking Sector

Saïd Business School University Of Oxford
A. D. Morrison
J. Shapiro

Added on 11/06/2017

Alta Direzione
Tra sfide politiche e tassi a zero: le incertezze sullo scenario economico - Gregorio De Felice
Tra sfide politiche e tassi a zero: le incertezze sullo scenario economico - Gregorio De Felice

Gregorio De Felice

Added on 07/06/2017

Sales & Marketing