Leadership During Business Crisis: Navigating The Storm With Poise And Strategy
Leadership During Business Crisis: Navigating The Storm With Poise And Strategy

Stephen Nalley

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
How John F. Kennedy Changed Decision Making for Us All
How John F. Kennedy Changed Decision Making for Us All

Morten T. Hansen

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
5 Principles of Purposeful Leadership
5 Principles of Purposeful Leadership

Hubert Joly

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
The Power Of Servant Leadership: Building A Path To Lasting Business Success
The Power Of Servant Leadership: Building A Path To Lasting Business Success

Doug Flaig

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
Relational Power Is the New Currency of Hybrid Work
Relational Power Is the New Currency of Hybrid Work

Lebene Soga
Yemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun
Nazrul Islam
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
A New Prescription for Power
A New Prescription for Power

Elizabeth Long Lingo
Kathleen L. McGinn

Added on 06/11/2023

Risorse umane
Nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale il giudizio critico è un vantaggio competitivo
Nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale il giudizio critico è un vantaggio competitivo

Elisa Farri
Paolo Cervini
Gabriele Rosani

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Why AI will never replace managers
Why AI will never replace managers

Frank Martela
Jukka Luoma

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Remember the human element of the emerging AI world
Remember the human element of the emerging AI world

Bjorn Reynolds

Added on 02/11/2023

Innovazione Risorse umane
Navigare nell’IA generativa come lavoratore senior
Navigare nell’IA generativa come lavoratore senior

Nahia Orduña

Added on 31/10/2023

Innovazione Sales & Marketing
Yes, the Metaverse Is Still Happening
Yes, the Metaverse Is Still Happening

Deborah Perry Piscione
Josh Drean

Added on 31/10/2023

Innovazione Sales & Marketing
The Metaverse Will Enhance — Not Replace — Companies’ Physical Locations
The Metaverse Will Enhance — Not Replace — Companies’ Physical Locations

Vladislav Boutenko
Richard Florida
Julia Jacobson

Added on 31/10/2023

Innovazione Sales & Marketing
Artificial Intelligence. What Every Business Leader Should Know
Artificial Intelligence. What Every Business Leader Should Know

Javier Zamora

Added on 30/10/2023

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Il dilemma di Israele
Il dilemma di Israele

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 26/10/2023

Il postulato Quaroni
Il postulato Quaroni

Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 9/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Technical evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank digital currency system
Technical evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank digital currency system

Added on 26/10/2023

La squadra: l’equilibrio tra individualità e gruppo
La squadra: l’equilibrio tra individualità e gruppo

Alessandro Campagna

Added on 26/10/2023

La sindrome ottomana
La sindrome ottomana

Editoriale Del Numero Di Limes 3/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Digital Euro: an assessment of the first two ECB progress reports
Digital Euro: an assessment of the first two ECB progress reports

Added on 26/10/2023

Che cosa possiamo imparare dallo sport di alto livello?
Che cosa possiamo imparare dallo sport di alto livello?

Dario Balasso

Added on 26/10/2023

A chi farà concorrenza l’euro digitale?
A chi farà concorrenza l’euro digitale?

Gianfranco Ursino

Added on 26/10/2023

Sul dilemma Ucraina-Taiwan l’America si gioca l’egemonia
Sul dilemma Ucraina-Taiwan l’America si gioca l’egemonia

Numero Di Limes 9/23

Added on 26/10/2023

Presentazione di Francesco Del Greco
Presentazione di Francesco Del Greco

Francesco Del Greco

Added on 26/10/2023

The value added of central bank digital currencies: a view from the euro area
The value added of central bank digital currencies: a view from the euro area

Maria Demertzis
Catarina Martins

Added on 26/10/2023
