Will the European Union price cap on Russian oil work?
Will the European Union price cap on Russian oil work?

Ben McWilliams
Simone Tagliapietra
Georg Zachmann

Added on 19/12/2022

Big tech is hoarding the data that humanity needs to thrive
Big tech is hoarding the data that humanity needs to thrive

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Thomas Ramge

Added on 12/12/2022

Enhanced access to publicly funded data for science, technology and innovation
Enhanced access to publicly funded data for science, technology and innovation


Added on 12/12/2022

Data for better lives, report overview
Data for better lives, report overview

World Bank Group

Added on 12/12/2022

IPR and the use of open data and data sharing initiatives by public and private actors
IPR and the use of open data and data sharing initiatives by public and private actors

European Parliament

Added on 12/12/2022

Are the most innovative companies just the ones With the most data?
Are the most innovative companies just the ones With the most data?

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Thomas Ramge

Added on 12/12/2022

The data boom is here - It’s just not evenly distributed
The data boom is here - It’s just not evenly distributed

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Thomas Ramge

Added on 12/12/2022

La chimica della leadership
La chimica della leadership

Paolo Borzacchiello

Added on 06/12/2022

Global Attractiveness Index 2022 - Presentazione di Valerio De Molli
Global Attractiveness Index 2022 - Presentazione di Valerio De Molli

Valerio De Molli

Added on 02/12/2022

Global Attractiveness Index 2022
Global Attractiveness Index 2022

Commissione Europea

Added on 02/12/2022

Chi se ne frega, faccio! Il mindset dell’ornitorinco
Chi se ne frega, faccio! Il mindset dell’ornitorinco

Marianna Zanatta

Added on 01/12/2022

Risorse umane
Global Attractiveness Index 2022 - Mappa Concettuale
Global Attractiveness Index 2022 - Mappa Concettuale

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 01/12/2022

Prezzi al consumo
Prezzi al consumo


Added on 01/12/2022

Le nuotatrici
Le nuotatrici

Sally El Hosaini

Added on 30/11/2022

Risorse umane
Ideas to change your life
Ideas to change your life

Mark Manson

Added on 30/11/2022

Risorse umane

Meghan Markle

Added on 30/11/2022

Risorse umane
7 consigli per fare personal branding come Jobs, Bezos e Musk
7 consigli per fare personal branding come Jobs, Bezos e Musk

Jader Liberatore

Added on 30/11/2022

Una squadra
Una squadra

Domenico Procacci

Added on 30/11/2022

Risorse umane
Io credo
Io credo

Francesco Tassi

Added on 30/11/2022

Risorse umane
4 ways to improve engagement on technology teams
4 ways to improve engagement on technology teams

Added on 28/11/2022

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Tutto un altro mondo
Tutto un altro mondo

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 25/11/2022

Presentazione de Gli Autogol
Presentazione de Gli Autogol

Gli Autogol

Added on 24/11/2022

Risorse umane
Presentazione di Sara Munari
Presentazione di Sara Munari

Sara Munari

Added on 24/11/2022

Risorse umane
La crisi della deterrenza nucleare
La crisi della deterrenza nucleare

Germano Fottori

Added on 24/11/2022