How to use psychology for effective leadership
How to use psychology for effective leadership

Syed Balkhi

Added on 12/01/2023

A grand bargain to steer through the European Union’s energy crisis
A grand bargain to steer through the European Union’s energy crisis

Ben McWilliams
Giovanni Sgaravatti
Simone Tagliapietra
Georg Zachmann

Added on 12/01/2023

Care to dare to unleash astonishing employee potential
Care to dare to unleash astonishing employee potential

George Kohlrieser

Added on 12/01/2023

The new psychology of strategic leadership
The new psychology of strategic leadership

Giovanni Gavetti

Added on 12/01/2023

Rethinking the psychology of leadership: from personal identity to social identity
Rethinking the psychology of leadership: from personal identity to social identity

S. Alexander Haslam

Added on 12/01/2023

Why We Don’t Talk About Meaning at Work
Why We Don’t Talk About Meaning at Work

Marjolein Lips-Wiersma
Adrian Madden
Catherine Bailey
Lani Morris

Added on 11/01/2023

Organisational purpose. What can we learn from the practitioner literature?
Organisational purpose. What can we learn from the practitioner literature?

Anna Lelia Sandoghdar
Catherine Bailey

Added on 11/01/2023

What Makes Work Meaningful — Or Meaningless
What Makes Work Meaningful — Or Meaningless

Catherine Bailey
Adrian Madden

Added on 11/01/2023

Presentazione Stefano Vit
Presentazione Stefano Vit

Stefano Vit

Added on 11/01/2023

Communicating purpose
Communicating purpose

Zoë Arden

Added on 11/01/2023

L’invisibile battaglia spaziale nella guerra d'Ucraina
L’invisibile battaglia spaziale nella guerra d'Ucraina

Marcello Spagnulo

Added on 10/01/2023

Scenario Economia
L’Italia spaziale da terzo grande a satellite di chi?
L’Italia spaziale da terzo grande a satellite di chi?

Marcello Spagnulo

Added on 10/01/2023

Scenario Economia
South East Europe gas markets - reconfiguring supply flows and replacing Russian gas
South East Europe gas markets - reconfiguring supply flows and replacing Russian gas

Julian Bowden

Added on 23/12/2022

Quarterly gas review: short- and medium-term outlook for gas markets
Quarterly gas review: short- and medium-term outlook for gas markets

Added on 23/12/2022

La geopolitica dell'energia. Tratto da L'energia del mondo. Geopolitica, sostenibilità, Green New Deal
La geopolitica dell'energia. Tratto da "L'energia del mondo. Geopolitica, sostenibilità, Green New Deal"

Simone Tagliapietra

Added on 19/12/2022

How European Union energy policies could mitigate the coming recession
How European Union energy policies could mitigate the coming recession

Zsolt Darvas
Marie Le Mouel
Simone Tagliapietra
Jeromin Zettelmeyer

Added on 19/12/2022

An updated roadmap to Net Zero Emissions by 2050
An updated roadmap to Net Zero Emissions by 2050

International Energy Agency

Added on 19/12/2022

Five Ways Managers Can Help Prevent Quiet Quitting
Five Ways Managers Can Help Prevent Quiet Quitting

Ally MacDonald

Added on 19/12/2022

World energy outlook 2022
World energy outlook 2022

Added on 19/12/2022

When Quiet Quitting Is Worse Than the Real Thing
When Quiet Quitting Is Worse Than the Real Thing

Anthony C. Klotz
Mark C. Bolino

Added on 19/12/2022

Can Fewer Meetings Reverse Quiet Quitting? Research Says ‘Yes’
Can Fewer Meetings Reverse Quiet Quitting? Research Says ‘Yes’

Lisa Bodell

Added on 19/12/2022

Europe needs a grand bargain on energy
Europe needs a grand bargain on energy

Ben McWilliams
Simone Tagliapietra
Georg Zachmann

Added on 19/12/2022

Quiet Quitting Is About Bad Bosses, Not Bad Employees
Quiet Quitting Is About Bad Bosses, Not Bad Employees

Jack Zenger
Joseph Folkman

Added on 19/12/2022

Will the European Union price cap on Russian oil work?
Will the European Union price cap on Russian oil work?

Ben McWilliams
Simone Tagliapietra
Georg Zachmann

Added on 19/12/2022
