The c-suite skills that matter most
The c-suite skills that matter most

Raffaella Sadun
Joseph Fuller
Stephen Hansen
PJ Neal

Added on 07/09/2022

Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making
Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making

Daniel Kahneman
Andrew M. Rosenfield
Linnea Gandhi
Tom Blaser

Added on 07/09/2022

The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade?
The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade?

David Dollar

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Keeping a lid on supply chain complexity
Keeping a lid on supply chain complexity

Martin Christopher

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Creating the resilient supply chain
Creating the resilient supply chain

Martin Christopher

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Supply chain 4.0: enabling market driven strategies
Supply chain 4.0: enabling market driven strategies

Martin Christopher

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Are the risks of global supply chains starting to outweigh the rewards?
Are the risks of global supply chains starting to outweigh the rewards?

Willy C. Shih

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
China's role in supplying critical minerals for the global energy transition
China's role in supplying critical minerals for the global energy transition

Rodrigo Castillo
Caitlin Purdy

Added on 06/09/2022

Operations - R&D Alta Direzione
Why bounded rationality?
Why bounded rationality?

Riccardo Viale

Added on 05/09/2022

Dove volano i cigni neri
Dove volano i cigni neri

Riccardo Viale

Added on 05/09/2022

The peak globalisation myth: Part 1
The peak globalisation myth: Part 1

Richard Baldwin

Added on 05/09/2022

Position Paper - Global Attractiveness Index 2022: il termometro dell'attrattività di un Paese
Position Paper - Global Attractiveness Index 2022: il termometro dell'attrattività di un Paese

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 04/09/2022

The Future of Europe: The Role of the European Business Community - 2022
The Future of Europe: The Role of the European Business Community - 2022

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 03/09/2022

Net Zero E-conomy 2050. Decarbonization roadmaps for Europe: focus on Italy and Spain
Net Zero E-conomy 2050. Decarbonization roadmaps for Europe: focus on Italy and Spain

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 03/09/2022

Position Paper - Politica estera e difesa comune per l’Europa: sfide e opportunità per l’Italia e l’Unione Europea
Position Paper - Politica estera e difesa comune per l’Europa: sfide e opportunità per l’Italia e l’Unione Europea

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 03/09/2022

Net Zero E-conomy 2050. Roadmap di decarbonizzazione per l’Europa: focus su Italia e Spagna - Executive Summary
Net Zero E-conomy 2050. Roadmap di decarbonizzazione per l’Europa: focus su Italia e Spagna - Executive Summary

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 03/09/2022

Innovazione Scenario
Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator - Settembre 2022
Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator - Settembre 2022

Added on 02/09/2022

What we owe each other. A new social contract - Presentation
What we owe each other. A new social contract - Presentation

Minouche Shafik

Added on 01/09/2022

How Leaders Can Align Their Tech Team With Their Business Strategy
How Leaders Can Align Their Tech Team With Their Business Strategy

Forbes Technology Council Expert Panel

Added on 01/09/2022

Closing the Gap Between Digital Marketing Spending and Performance
Closing the Gap Between Digital Marketing Spending and Performance

Christine Moorman
Jana Soli
Dennis Cardoso

Added on 01/09/2022

War, energy, society: the geopolitical outlook for Europe - Presentation
War, energy, society: the geopolitical outlook for Europe - Presentation

Arancha González Laya

Added on 01/09/2022

How Marketers Can Address Data Challenges to Drive Growth
How Marketers Can Address Data Challenges to Drive Growth

Raj Venkatesan
Kimberly A. Whitler

Added on 01/09/2022

Deglobalization’s China wild card
Deglobalization’s China wild card

Stephen S. Roach

Added on 31/08/2022

Quo Vadis Europa?
Quo Vadis Europa?

Josep Borrell

Added on 31/08/2022
