A guide to managing your (newly) remote workers
A guide to managing your (newly) remote workers

Barbara Larson
Susan R. Vroman
Erin E. Makarius

Added on 17/06/2022

Innovazione Leadership
The surprising impact of meeting-free days
The surprising impact of meeting-free days

Ben Laker
Vijay Pereira
Pawan Budhwar
Ashish Malik

Added on 17/06/2022

Innovazione Risorse umane Leadership
La (R)evoluzione Sostenibile della filiera agroalimentare italiana - Rapporto 2022
La (R)evoluzione Sostenibile della filiera agroalimentare italiana - Rapporto 2022

The European House - Ambrosetti
Antares Vision
Coca-Cola HBC Italia
Schneider Electric

Added on 17/06/2022

Alta Direzione Sostenibilità
Negotiating in Complex Situations: From International Diplomacy to Business
Negotiating in Complex Situations: From International Diplomacy to Business

Nick Coburn-Palo

Added on 16/06/2022

Edelman Trust Barometer 2022 - Global Report
Edelman Trust Barometer 2022 - Global Report


Added on 16/06/2022

Key elements of effective negotiations
Key elements of effective negotiations

United Nations Institute For Training And Research Coburn-Palo

Added on 16/06/2022

Overcoming deadlock at the table
Overcoming deadlock at the table

United Nations Institute For Training And Research Coburn-Palo

Added on 16/06/2022

Digital transformation of European industry - A policy perspective
Digital transformation of European industry - A policy perspective

European Institute Of Innovation & Technology (EIT)

Added on 16/06/2022

Innovazione Leadership
The changing face of executive reputation
The changing face of executive reputation


Added on 16/06/2022

Executive reputation. Il racconto personale e aziendale in logica omnichannel
Executive reputation. Il racconto personale e aziendale in logica omnichannel

Andrea Fontana

Added on 16/06/2022

Presentazione di Lisa Iotti
Presentazione di Lisa Iotti

Lisa Iotti

Added on 15/06/2022

Il ri-cablaggio del cervello
Il ri-cablaggio del cervello

Michael Merzenich

Added on 15/06/2022

On the money
On the money

Laura Barton

Added on 15/06/2022

Focus on people and culture for digital transformation at scale
Focus on people and culture for digital transformation at scale

Didier Bonnet
Michael R. Wade

Added on 15/06/2022

Innovazione Leadership
Gillian Tett on how she predicted the financial crash & why the debt crisis is going to get worse
Gillian Tett on how she predicted the financial crash & why the debt crisis is going to get worse

Channel 4 News

Added on 15/06/2022



Added on 15/06/2022

Internet per la gente
Internet per la gente

Viola Stefanello

Added on 15/06/2022

Mission, Vision e Valori
Mission, Vision e Valori


Added on 15/06/2022

Innovazione Leadership
Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound
Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound

Maryanne Wolf

Added on 15/06/2022

Standards & digital transformation - Good governance in a digital age
Standards & digital transformation - Good governance in a digital age

United Nations Industrial Development Organization Report

Added on 15/06/2022

Innovazione Leadership
What Makes a Leader?
What Makes a Leader?

Daniel Goleman

Added on 15/06/2022

Focus, Stress, and Affect at Work
Focus, Stress, and Affect at Work

Gloria Mark

Added on 15/06/2022

What’s next in technology - Accelerating discovery
What’s next in technology - Accelerating discovery

Alessandro Curioni

Added on 13/06/2022
