Il project Manager e gli scacchi: le mosse giuste per il successo Andrea TrincaAdded on 18/01/2022 Operations - R&D Leadership
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Megatrends 2021 report - Healing fractures, building bridges Sunil PrasharaAdded on 18/01/2022 Operations - R&D Leadership
Three tools to manage the fear of public speaking, according to an award-winning neuroscientist Carmine GalloAdded on 18/01/2022 Comunicazione
So, what is the Project Economy? Antonio Nieto-RodriguezAdded on 18/01/2022 Operations - R&D Leadership
The project economy has arrived Antonio Nieto-RodriguezAdded on 18/01/2022 Operations - R&D Leadership
Closing the gap: designing and delivering a strategy that works Brightline Added on 18/01/2022 Operations - R&D Leadership
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Digital transformation is not about technology Behnam Tabrizi Ed Lam Kirk Girard Vernon IrvinAdded on 17/01/2022 Innovazione
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The false choice between business and ethics R. Edward Freeman Bidhan (Bobby) L. ParmarAdded on 14/01/2022 Risorse umane Cultura
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Distributed Leadership. From Pyramids to Networks: The Changing Leadership Landscape Deborah Ancona Elaine BackmanAdded on 04/01/2022 Risorse umane
Mental health and the pandemic EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Added on 04/01/2022 Risorse umane
Looking ahead: HR leaders focus on virtual working, diversity and culture in 2021 Spencer Stuart Added on 15/12/2021 Risorse umane