7 ideas you can steal from Lego's intrapreneur in residence
7 ideas you can steal from Lego's intrapreneur in residence

Maija Palmer

Added on 22/06/2021

Radical innovation as a key element for the future of business
Radical innovation as a key element for the future of business

David Gram

Added on 22/06/2021

Humanocracy. Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone
Humanocracy. Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone

Gary Hamel
Michele Zanini

Added on 22/06/2021

How to adapt to the speed of change
How to adapt to the speed of change

Edward Hess

Added on 22/06/2021

Learning digital age soft-skills: a behavioral approach
Learning digital age soft-skills: a behavioral approach

Edward Hess

Added on 22/06/2021

6 aspects of political skill - Political savvy & leadership effectiveness
6 aspects of political skill - Political savvy & leadership effectiveness

Center For Creative Leadership

Added on 17/06/2021

Being savvy at work: understanding office politics
Being savvy at work: understanding office politics

Adrian Furnham

Added on 17/06/2021

Comunicare e persuadere: strumenti chiave
Comunicare e persuadere: strumenti chiave

John Zimmer

Added on 17/06/2021

Leadership Comunicazione
Comunicare e persuadere: strumenti chiave
Comunicare e persuadere: strumenti chiave

John Zimmer

Added on 17/06/2021

Leadership Comunicazione
La Svolta
La Svolta

Paola Gianotti

Added on 15/06/2021

Lavorare in solitudine. Motivare e motivarsi nel remote working
Lavorare in solitudine. Motivare e motivarsi nel remote working

Dario Balasso

Added on 15/06/2021

The biggest problem with capitalism? Not enough capitalists
The biggest problem with capitalism? Not enough capitalists

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Il coraggio di crederci
Il coraggio di crederci

Paola Gianotti

Added on 15/06/2021

Lo Spazio è scoperta e rischio. Parola di Maurizio Cheli, il secondo astronauta italiano
"Lo Spazio è scoperta e rischio". Parola di Maurizio Cheli, il secondo astronauta italiano

Emilio Cozzi

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
Leading Remotely.  Understand and compensate for the psychological impacts of remote work
Leading Remotely. Understand and compensate for the psychological impacts of remote work

Mark Mortensen

Added on 15/06/2021

Busting bureaucracy with humanocracy: Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini
Busting bureaucracy with humanocracy: Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini

Yasmin Taj

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering
European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering

Thierry Breton

Added on 15/06/2021

Using political skill to maximize and leverage work relationships
Using political skill to maximize and leverage work relationships

Michael Campbell
Phillip Braddy

Added on 15/06/2021

You can't reinvent workplace learning unless you rethink your organization
You can't reinvent workplace learning unless you rethink your organization

Michele Zanini

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Data, not digitalization, transforms the post-pandemic supply chain
Data, not digitalization, transforms the post-pandemic supply chain

Michael Schrage

Added on 15/06/2021

Energizing Resilience. The role of the leader
Energizing Resilience. The role of the leader

Tamara Erickson

Added on 15/06/2021

Harnessing everyday genius
Harnessing everyday genius

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Humanocracy - Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone
Humanocracy - Imprese straordinarie come le loro persone

Michele Zanini
Gary Hamel

Added on 15/06/2021

Risorse umane
Is your data infrastructure ready for AI?
Is your data infrastructure ready for AI?

Seth Earley
Josh Bernoff

Added on 15/06/2021
