AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges, needs and values of all ages Nota informativa
AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges, needs and values of all ages Kit
Age inclusion and Diversity for business How intergenerational collaboration can help integrate senior leaders into a common purpose Celia de Anca
Embracing age diversity in companies: strategic management for the future. Best practices for organizations Christiane Bisanzio
L'organizzazione inclusiva. Pari opportunità e diversity management Stefano Basaglia, Simona Cuomo, Zenia SimonellaEgea
Rinascita Italia. Come invertire il trend demografico a beneficio del futuro del Paese - 2023 The European House - Ambrosetti
The 3 Types of Diversity That Shape Our Identities Celiaand de Anca , Salvador AragónHarvard Business Review
Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity Megan W. Gerhardt, Josephine Nachemson-Ekwall, Brandon FogelHarvard Business Review
Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges and values of all agesCelia de AncaIE Business School di Madrid, Deputy Dean for Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion
Welcoming age diversity in the company: strategies to remain attractive in the futureChristiane BisanzioSwiss Inclusion Group LLC; Università St. Gallen, CEO; guest lecturer