AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEB The Generative AI revolution: the impact on analytics, decision making and engagement Nota informativa
AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEB The Generative AI revolution: the impact on analytics, decision making and engagement Kit
Perché l’adozione dell’IA generativa è così difficile Terence Tse, Mark Esposito, Danny Goh, Paul LeeHarvard Business Review Italia
Dirigere in un mondo in cui l'IA ha un proprio potere Jeremy Heimans, Henry TimmsHarvard Business Review Italia
Generative AI: engagement inside and outside the companyHosni ZaoualiStanford University; ConnectED-Labs, Guest Lecturer; CEO
The Generative AI revolution: the impact on analytics, decision making and engagementHosni ZaoualiStanford University; ConnectED-Labs, Guest Lecturer; CEO