AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON How to overcome the challenge of business sustainability: turning strategic decisions into tangible and collaborative outcomes Nota informativa
AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON How to overcome the challenge of business sustainability: turning strategic decisions into tangible and collaborative outcomes Kit
Vincere la sfida della sostenibilità in azienda: tradurre le scelte strategiche in risultati concreti e condivisi Valentina De Marchi
Addressing the complexities in implementing sdgs in international business Valentina De Marchi, Simone Carmine
Sono i manager intermedi la chiave per la sostenibilità Andrew Winston, Paul Polman, Jeff SeabrightHarvard Business Review Italia
From financing change to changing finance Tom Jess, Peter Blom, Sandrine Dixson-DeclèveThe Club of Rome
Using the global value chain framework to analyse and tackle global environmental crises Valentina De Marchi, Gary GereffiSpringer Link
Vincere la sfida della sostenibilità in azienda: tradurre le scelte strategiche in risultati concreti e condivisiValentina De MarchiDepartment of Society, Politics and Sustainability, ESADE Business School, Associate Professor
La gestione della complessità e come affrontarla con le 4 CValentina De MarchiDepartment of Society, Politics and Sustainability, ESADE Business School, Associate Professor