AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON Building corporate strategy in the age of AI: the future of decision-making Nota informativa
AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON Building corporate strategy in the age of AI: the future of decision-making Kit
AI and strategic decision-making. Communicating trust and uncertainty in AI-enriched intelligence Megan Hughes, Richard Carter, Amy Harland, Alexander BabutaThe Alan Turing Institute Centre for Emerging Technology and Security (CETaS)
Come valutare le informazioni prima di prendere una decisione Alex EdmansHarvard Business Review Italia
Digital mindset. Che cosa serve davvero in un mondo di dati, algoritmi e intelligenza artificiale Paul Leonardi, Tsedal NeeleyFranco Angeli
The Irreplaceable Value of Human Decision-Making in the Age of AI Martin Reeves, Mihnea Moldoveanu, Adam JobHarvard Business Review