Thursday, November 25, 2021 (3:30 pm - 6:30 pm) Meeting

Emotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Club Scherma Jesi Via Siro Solazzi, 1 - 60035 JESI (AN)

Strategy, concentration, rigour, flexibility: fencing, ancient sport, noble and elected for centuries as a "school of formation" of character and enhancement of talent, is a specialty in which our country excels at the competitive level, with the world record for Olympic medals of all time. Among the historical schools, the Club Scherma Jesi is one of the most titled in the world. Here, under the extraordinary guidance of Master Triccoli, trained  Olympic  champions such as Valentina Vezzali and Giovanna Trillini. With them we will discover the secrets of this rigorous, ethical discipline, which teaches respect and tenacity, tactics and the ability to make decisions quickly.
The champions, the coach and the corporate management will discuss the following topics:

  • what factors make possible the growth and the global affirmation of a school of fencing such as Club Scherma Jesi
  • how to become champions, or how to nurture and train your personal talent
  • the recruitment of champions and talents: the role of the team.


Stefano Cerioni

Campione Olimpico e Commissario Tecnico della Nazionale Italiana

Annalisa Coltorti

Schermitrice e Preparatrice Atletica della Nazionale Italiana

Maurizio Dellabella

Presidente, Club Scherma Jesi

Maria Elena Proietti Mosca

Direttore Tecnico Italian Team, Club Scherma Jesi

Giovanna Trillini

Olympic champion


November 25, 2021
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm How is born, in a small center, a world excellence: the Club Scherma Jesi Emotions, challenges, values: the champions talk about themselves

Documenti dell'incontro

Nota informativa

Emotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Nota informativa


Emotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream



AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Nelle tempeste del futuro. Le capacità mentali che il futuro ci richiede narrate attraverso il cervello di superatleti ed esploratori

Pietro Trabucchi


AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Flow, benessere e prestazione eccellente. Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda

Marisa Muzio, Giuseppe Riva, Luca Argenton

Franco Angeli

AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Come Ottenere il Meglio da Sé e dagli Altri

Anthony Robbins


AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

I sei pilastri dell'autostima

Nathaniel Branden


AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Passi da gigante

Anthony Robbins


AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

A tu per tu con Giovanna Trillini, la Leggenda della scherma azzurra

Fabio Bandiera

AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

The Code. the Evaluation. the Protocols: Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human Being

Jocko Willink, Dave Berke, Sarah Armstrong

Jocko Publishing

AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

Coaching. Come risvegliare il potenziale umano nella vita professionale e personale

John Whitmore

AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

The Mindful Athlete

George Mumford

Parallax Press

AGGIORNAMENTO PERMANENTEIN PERSON AND VIA WEBEmotions, challenges and values told by Elisa Di Francisca, Giovanna Trillini and Valentina Vezzali: the Club Scherma Jesi and the champions that made us dream

The Little Book of Stress Relief

David Posen

Firefly Books Ltd

Video of the meeting

Come si diventa campioni: allenare il talento personale
Stefano Cerioni
Campione Olimpico e Commissario Tecnico della Nazionale Italiana
Annalisa Coltorti
Schermitrice e Preparatrice Atletica della Nazionale Italiana
Maurizio Dellabella
Club Scherma Jesi, Presidente
Maria Elena Proietti Mosca
Club Scherma Jesi, Direttore Tecnico Italian Tem
Giovanna Trillini
Campionessa olimpica