Abhijit Bhaduri

Chief Learning Officer, Wipro Group, India

Rohit Bhargava

Fondatore, IMG, USA

Rajesh Bhat

Co-fondatore e Chief Executive Officer, Roostify

Daniela Bianco

Partner e Responsabile area Healthcare, The European House - Ambrosetti

Simone Bianco

Research Staff Member and IBM Rock Star Employee, IBM

Alessandra Bianco

Responsabile Relazioni Pubbliche, Luigi Lavazza

Paolo Biasci

Presidente Nazionale, FIMP

Lori George Billingsley

Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

Roberto Binaghi

Chairman e CEO, Mindshare

Julia Binder

Professor of Sustainable Innovation, IMD Business School

Julian Birkinshaw

Professor & Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School

Christiane Bisanzio

CEO del Swiss Inclusion Group LLC; guest lecturer, Università St. Gallen

Reid Blackman

Author and AI ethics expert

Gian Carlo Blangiardo

President of the National Institute of Statistics; Professor of Demography, University of Milano Bicocca

Michela Blasi

Docente di tecniche teatrali e Regista

GianLorenzo Blengini

Italian volleyball coach, Lube coach; former Coach of the Italian national volleyball team

Jeb Blount

CEO, Sales Gravy

Stefano Boccaletti

Professor of Agri-Food Economics and Director of Master in Agri-Food Management, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Gabriele Boccolini

Fitness coach, Atalanta B.C.

Lisa Bodell

Founder and CEO of FutureThink, Author of "Why Simple Wins" and "Kill the Company"

Francesca Bogliolo

Art critic, Curator

Drew Bohan

Executive Director, California Energy Commission

Andrea Boitani

Professor of Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

Michele Boldrin

Professore di Economia, Washington University in Saint Louis; Condirettore del Center for Dynamic Economics.