Roberto Battiston

Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Trento; former President of the Italian Space Agency

Thomas Bauernhansl

Director Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation e Institute of Industrial Manufact

Michele Bauli

Presidente, Bauli

Awinash Bawle

Deputy Director of International Affairs and Business Development, State of California

Massimo Beduschi

Chairman e CEO, GroupM Italia

Francesco Bei

Vicedirettore, La Repubblica

Marco Belinelli

Giocatore NBA, Charlotte Hornets

Sylvain Bellenger

Direttore del Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte

Alex Bellini


Elisabetta Bellini

Managing Associate, BonelliErede

Elisabetta Belloni

General Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Leah Belsky

Vice President Coursera for Business

Barbara Beltrame

Vice Presidente per l'Internazionalizzazione, Confindustria

Padre Paolo Benanti

University Lecturer in Neuroethics, Bioethics and Moral Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University

Daniele Benatoff

Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Planet Farms

Gianluigi Benedetti

Ambasciatore d’Italia presso lo Stato d’Israele

Fabio Benfenati

Direttore, Center for Synaptic Neuroscience and Technology, IIT

Sergio Benocci

Managing Director Europe and Asia Building Energy

Ben Bensaou

Professor of Technology Management and Asian Business and Comparative Management,INSEAD

Sahra Benseghir

Global Head of Talent Acquisition, Swarovski

Stefano Beraldo

Amministratore Delegato, OVS

Carlo Alberto Beretta

General Brand Manager, Tod's

Paolo Bergamo

Senior Vice President, Product Management, SALESFORCE

Jonah Berger

Associate Professor of Marketing, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania – World-renowned expert on Social Influence and Consumer Behaviour