Director of the Centre of Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield University
Manager Nanofabrication Facility, PI Sensor Project IBM Watson West
Director, Global Digital Solutions, Enel
Senior Director, Group Sustainability, Philips International
Chairman Emeritus, former Chairman and CEO, Nestlé S.A.
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Pirelli
Head of Jam - Join the Ageless Mind, The European House - Ambrosetti
CEO, ING Bank Italia
Presidente, Basket Brescia Leonessa
Managing Director, AVL ITALY
Professoressa di Linguistica della Lingua dei Segni Italiana, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Group CIO and Chief Digital Officer, Prysmian Group
Dean, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Imperial College London
Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council
Historian; Professor of Byzantine Civilization and Ancient Military History, University of Pavia
Fondatore e partner, JPB & Friends; Fondatore e Presidente, HE2BE - Human Esteem to Business Enhancement
Assessore alla Cultura, al Turismo, alle Politiche giovanili e alle Pari opportunità, Comune di Verona
Partner di The European House – Ambrosetti
Country Manager Italy, Darktrace
Senior Director of Business and Corporate Responsibility, Microsoft
Chief Scientific Officer, Genomics England; Professor of Medicine, King's College London
CEO EMEA & LatAm, Interbrand
EVP, Worldwide Sales, VMware
Presidente, Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS
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