Enrico Giovannini

Founder and Scientific Director, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)

Chiara Giovenzana

Investment Director, Healthcare Technologies at ENEA Tech (MISE)

Antonio Giovinazzi

Capitano Medico, 4° Reggimento Alpini Paracadutisti

Stéphane J. G. Girod

Professor of Strategy and Organizational Design, IMD Business School

Paola Giucca

Vice Capo Servizio Supervisione Mercati e Sistema dei pagamenti, BANCA D'ITALIA

Alessio Giuiusa

Senior Operations Manager, Amazon Italia Logistica

Francesco Giunti

ENI, Responsabile Energy Evolution Integrated Initiatives & Regulatory Activity

Brian Gleason

Global CEO [m]PLATFORM at GroupM

Sir Charles Godfray

Director, Oxford Martin School & Professor of Population Biology, Oxford University

Jan Godsell

Dean andProfessor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, Loughborough Business School

Casey Goelzer

Regional Director, Americas Marketing, BOEING

Fabio Golinelli

Advanced Processes e Technologies Manager, Distribution Solutions, ABB.

Antonio Golini

già Presidente, ISTAT

Arancha González Laya

Dean PSIA, Sciences Po; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain

José Manuel González-Páramo

Executive Board Member, ECB - European Central Bank

Amanda Goodall

Professor in Leadership, Bayes Business School

Tyler Beck Goodspeed

Acting Chairman and Vice Chairman , Council of Economic Advisors, USA

Hala Gorani

Journalist, Anchor and Correspondent

Sergey Gorbatov

Professor, IE Business School, Author, Director General Manager Development ABBVIE

Jonathan Gottschall

Author and Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College

Marc Gough

Industry Partnerships & Engagement Manager, HAI Stanford University

James Gowers

VP Strategy & Business Development, DeepMap Inc.

Nik Gowing

Founder of "Thinking the Unthinkable" and Co-Author of the book "Thinking the Unthinkable: a new imperative for leadership in a disruptive age"

Dominic Grainger