Patrizia Grieco

Chairperson, MPS

Tara Griffin

Wordwide Business Development, Apple

Vittorio Grilli

Chairman of Italy & Chairman Corporate and Investment Banking EMEA, JP MORGAN

Daniel Gros

Direttore dell'Institute for European PolicyMaking presso l'Università Bocconi

Gian Maria Gros-Pietro


Stefan Groschl

Professore di Management e co-fondatore della Cattedra di Leadership e Diversity, ESSEC Business School, Parigi

Carlo Paolo Grossi

Direttore Divisione OTC Menarini I.F.R.

Carlo Grossi

Direttore Divisione OTC, Menarini

James Growers

VP Strategy and Business Development, Perceptive Automata

Fabio Guenza

Professor, Bologna Business School; Co-founder, Blumine Srl

Paolo Guenzi

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, L. Bocconi University and Director, Commercial Excellence Lab, SDA Bocconi

Francesco Guerrera

Editor, Money & Investing The Wall Street Journal

Juergen Guldner

Vice President Hydrogen, Fuel Cell Technology and Vehicle Projects, BMW