Esperta di leadership; Academic Director, Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management Université Libre de Bruxelles
Technical Director, Ford Research & Innovation Center
Distinguished Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology Sydney
Executive Vice President Manufacturing Technologies, Piaggio Group
Group Marketing and Digital Director, Crédit Agricole
Journalist, Anchorwoman, Author; Head Editor of News and Anchor, RAI.TV.
Head of Business Transformation, Quality & Customer Experience, Aeroporti di Roma
Co-fondatore e Managing Partner di United Ventures. È inoltre Fondatore di Annapurna Ventures
Executive Chairperson, SIGMA Capital
CEO, Malaysian Investment Development Authority
Colonnello, Comandante del 6° Stormo, Aeroporto Militare di Ghedi
Professor in Public Speaking and Classical Oration, University of Pavia
Responsabile Area Vaccini, FIMMG
Emeritus Professor, Technion and Senior Research Fellow, Neaman Institute for Advacend Studies
Product and Marketing Manager, Google
Premier of Gauteng, Republic of South Africa
Allenatore di calcio
Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations
Director of AI Projects, Future of Life Institute
Apneista ed esperto di tecniche di rilassamento e respirazione
Partner, The European House-Ambrosetti
Vice Direttore, Corriere della Sera
Chief Enterprise Officer , Fastweb
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