Sergio Rizzo

Già Vice direttore, la Repubblica

Daniele Rizzo

Chief Information & Business Process Officer Europe, Autogrill

Nicola Rizzoli

Responsabile e Designatore della Commissione Arbitri per il campionato di calcio di Serie A.

Stephen S. Roach

Senior Fellow, Senior Lecturer The Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and The School of Management, Yale University, USA

Kevin Roberts

CEO Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi USA

Michelle Robertson

Vice President Human Resources Global Operations and Information Technology, adidas group

Ian Robertson

Professor of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin

Jose Rodriguez Martinez

Principal, Innovation Delivery, AMAZON WEB SERVICES

Steven Rogelberg

Organizational Psychologist, Author and Leadership Expert

Kenneth S. Rogoff

Professor of Economics

Fabio Rolfi

Assessore all’Agricoltura , Regione Lombardia

Vyla Rollins

Executive Director, Leadership Institute, London Business School

Gennaro Romagnoli

Psychologist and psychotherapist

Paola Romagnoli

Head of Innovation and Consumer & Market Intelligence, Heineken

Richard Romagnoli

Writer, expert in meditation techniques

Silvia Romanelli

Partner, Studio Legale Bonelli Erede Pappalardo

Sergio Romano

Editorialista, Corriere della Sera

Marcello Ronchei

Marketing and Fundrasing Director, Teatro Regio of Turin

Paolo Ronci

Direttore Generale, Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna

Brunello Rosa

Senior Director Western Europe, G10 RATES & CURRENCIES

Tom Rosamilia

Senior Vice President, IBM Systems

Dante Roscini

Professore di Managing International Trade and Investment e L.E. Simmons Faculty Fellow, Harvard Business School, USA

Alessandro Rosina

Professor of Demography, Catholic University of Milan

Massimiliano Rosolino

Olympic swimming champion