Chief Technology and Information Officer, Gucci
Dallara Automobili
Chief Executive Officer, PDC Beauty & Wellness Co.
Psychologist and professor in charge, University of Verona
CRM Systems Director, Sky Italia; formerly IT Business Partner & Governance Director
Chief Information Officer, Sky Italia
Dean of the Academic Board, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
Crisis management advisor; scrittore
Direttore delle Strategie di Marketing e Sviluppo di Business, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
CEO, Neurexplore
Lecturer, ESADE Business School; esperto di innovazione e creatività
Presidente, INPS
Olympic champion
Country Head of Digital, L'Oréal Italia
Professore di Etica militare, US Marine Corps University, Quantico
Artista e creativo; già Creative Director, Saatchi&Saatchi
Country Manager Italy and South-East Europe, Airbnb Italy
Chief Technology, Innovation & Digital Officer, Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato
Marketing Expert, Forbes Columnist, Author and Founder of 60 Seconds Marketer
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