Marketing Expert, Forbes Columnist, Author and Founder of 60 Seconds Marketer
Author, Rensis Likert Professor at the University of Michigan - Ross School of Business
Head of ESG Research, Allianz Global Investors
Head of Corporate Governance Eurizon Capital SGR
Amministratore Delegato, Urbani Tartufi
Presidente di Urbani Tartufi e Creatrice dell'Accademia del Tartufo
Direttore del dipartimento “Information Management and Production Control” e e direttore della business unit "Automation" , Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies, and Image Exploitation
CTO Italy & Group Director Enterprise Technology Solutions, Sky
Country Manager Google
CEO, Colombini Group
MEC for Roads and Transport, Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport
Expert in Self-empowerment and Potential Development
Direttore Pianificazione Strategica e Affari Regolamentari, Gruppo Hera
Deputy Director General
Director of the Climate Impacts Division, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
Console onorario d’Italia a Seattle
Chief Country Officer, Deutsche Bank
Global Head of Research and Chief European Economist, UniCredit
Sustainability Director, KLM
Director Public Affairs, Coca-Cola Company
Director Sustainable Finance & Circular Economy Lead, ING Wholesale Banking
Responsabile del programma Transizione energetica, Porto di Rotterdam
Critico d'Arte
Head of the Rome office and Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations - ECFR
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