Professor and Member of the International Independent Task Force on Creative Climate Action, Sciences Po – Paris School for International Affairs
Global Head of People Analytics, BBVA
President’s Special Envoy on Investment, South Africa; Chairman, Old Mutual
Chief Design Officer, Ferrari
Dean e Professor of Leadership and Organizational Development, IMD
Direttore Ufficio 5, Prevenzione delle Malattie Trasmissibili e Profilassi Internazionale, Ministero della Salute
Assessore alla Casa e Piano Quartieri, Comune di Milano
Journalist and Professor of Communication
Professor, Bologna Business School; CEO, 16Lab
Professore Emerito e Senior Professor in Diritto Commerciale, Università L. Bocconi di Milano
Chair, King Charles’s Fashion Taskforce
Fondatore, Yoox Net-a-porter Group
Director, SmartCatalonia at Government of Catalonia
Vice President, Commercial Development Stanford Research Institute (SRI) International
Presidente, Ce-S.I. - Centro Studi Internazionali
Professore, Coach e Freediver
Founder and Managing Director, NOVENTI VENTURES
Amministratore Delegato Fater
Amministratore Delegato, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano
Responsabile Ingegneria e Sicurezza, Area Nord Ovest, Poste Italiane
Deputy Director, Program Finance, BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION
Former President of the Lombardy Region, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Labour and Social Policies
Senior Advisor, MEDIOBANCA; MINISTERO PER GLI AFFARI REGIONALI E LE AUTONOMIE, Membro della Commissione sull'Autonomia
Consigliere Scientifico e Responsabile delle Relazioni Internazionali, LIMES
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