IT EN01:04:03February 2023Net Positive: doing business by giving the world more than you take. What are multinationals doing in the world?Andrew WinstonAuthor, Sustainable Business Expert
IT EN00:35:24February 2023Meaningful work: barriers and enabling factors within organizations Katie BaileyProfessor of Work and Employment, King’s College London
IT01:01:14January 2023Cina: come sta cambiando la politica estera?Vittorio Emanuele ParsiProfessore ordinario di Relazioni Internazionali, Università Cattolica di Milano
IT00:36:55January 2023Anno nuovo, mondo nuovo: le incognite geopolitiche del 2023 per l’Italia e l’ordine liberaleVittorio Emanuele ParsiProfessore ordinario di Relazioni Internazionali, Università Cattolica di Milano
IT EN00:36:42January 2023The gas war: scenarios and prospects for 2023James HendersonDirector; Chairman Gas Research Programme, Energy Transition Research Initiative; Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
IT01:33:38January 2023Serata di fine anno: incontro con il Comandante delle "Frecce Tricolori"Stefano VitComandante, Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale “Frecce Tricolori”
IT EN00:02:56January 2023Best practices to motivate, set and achieve goalsAyelet FishbachJeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing, Chicago Booth School of Business
IT EN00:02:10January 2023How to provide effective employee feedback Ayelet FishbachJeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing, Chicago Booth School of Business
IT01:22:45January 2023Ambizioni spaziali: la nuova space economy tra grandi potenze e settore privatoMarcello SpagnuloConsigliere Scientifico; già Senior Advisor , Limes; Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
IT1 StagioneJanuary 2023 Filosofia e management Mauro BonazziProfessore di filosofia antica e medievale, Università di Utrecht
IT EN00:40:57December 2022Data out! Free the Big Data to get the best out of it, for everyoneViktor Mayer-SchönbergerProfessor of Internet Governance and Regulation Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University, UK
IT01:30:53December 2022Comunicare efficacemente: le parole da scegliere e le parole da evitare oggiPaolo BorzacchielloScrittore; Esperto di Comunicazione
IT00:00:00December 2022Comunicare efficacemente: le parole da scegliere e le parole da evitare oggiPaolo BorzacchielloScrittore; Esperto di Comunicazione
IT00:33:33December 2022Strumenti pratici per comunicare efficacementePaolo BorzacchielloScrittore; Esperto di Comunicazione
IT EN00:40:06December 2022Power currency in companiesEugene B. KoganExecutive Coach, Harvard Business School
IT01:11:02December 2022Leading in a turbolent environment. L'esempio della Formula 1Paolo AversaAssociate Professor of Strategy e MBA Program Director, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
IT00:59:00December 2022I modelli di business più efficaci per le aziende di oggiPaolo AversaAssociate Professor of Strategy e MBA Program Director, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
IT EN00:26:17December 2022Executive’s Power: dynamics and strategies to be a successful leaderEugene B. KoganExecutive Coach, Harvard Business School
IT00:40:03December 2022Global Attractiveness Index 2022: l’attrattività del Paese in un mondo multilateraleValerio De MolliManaging Partner e Amministratore Delegato; Director, The European House - Ambrosetti; Ambrosetti Group Limited di Londra
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IT EN01:34:53November 2022Characteristics of the Future-ready organizationsNick Van DamProfessor of Learning, Talent and Leadership Development, IE Business School
IT EN00:49:44November 2022The key role of continuous learning for the growth of people and businessNick Van DamProfessor of Learning, Talent and Leadership Development, IE Business School