IT EN00:29:48April 2021Europe’s space future and the role of explorationDavid ParkerDirector of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration, European Space Agency (ESA)
IT EN00:23:03April 2021Pioneering hydrogen mobility: the BMW experienceJuergen GuldnerVice President Hydrogen, Fuel Cell Technology and Vehicle Projects, BMW
IT EN00:35:12April 2021Global scenarios 2035: decline or new renaissance?Mathew BurrowsDirector of the Atlantic Council’s Foresight, Strategy, and Risks Initiative & Former Counselor,, CIA and National Intelligence Council
IT EN01:09:11April 2021How Biases Distort Decision-Making and What You Can Do to Fight ThemOlivier SibonyProfessor of Business and Corporate Strategy, HEC Paris
IT EN00:28:41March 2021The new Biden era and relations with Europe and ItalyLuigi ZingalesRobert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
IT EN00:34:17March 2021Making decisions during post-Covid uncertain timesMervyn KingAlan Greenspan Professor of Economics and Professor of Law; former Governor, New York University; Bank of England
IT EN00:39:08March 2021Climate change and implications on the economy. Heiner FlassbeckHonorary Professor; former State Secretary, Hamburg University; Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
IT EN01:08:19March 2021Diversity, Inclusion, and Talent: 3 pillars of Kering’s strategyKalpana BagamaneChief Diversity, Inclusion, and Talent Officer, Kering
IT EN00:03:45March 2021Key values for an extraordinary customer service: trust and loyalty.Robert SpectorBook writer
IT EN00:03:25March 2021Key values for an extraordinary customer service: innovation and adaptation.Robert SpectorBook writer
IT EN00:02:48March 2021Key values for an extraordinary customer service: communication and collaboration.Robert SpectorBook writer
IT01:04:31March 2021Trasformazione digitale, strategia e resilienza del business: l'esperienza di OVSAnna MatteoDigital Transformation Director & Chief Information Officer, OVS
IT EN02:15:37March 2021Vision, reputation, network: the key requirements for a company to innovateNathan FurrAssociate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD
IT00:05:06March 2021Allenare il cervello a resistere alla fatica- trailerPietro TrabucchiPsicologo e Professore, Università di Verona
IT01:23:30March 2021Hai più risorse di quanto immagini: gestire stress, fatica e imprevisti come atleti estremiPietro TrabucchiPsicologo e Professore, Università di Verona
IT01:15:58March 2021Verbal warrior: l'importanza delle parole per disinnescare il conflittoMassimo PicozziPsichiatra e consulente per la gestione delle emozioni in ambito manageriale e sportivo
IT00:03:30March 2021I 5 principi del Verbal Judo.Massimo PicozziPsichiatra e consulente per la gestione delle emozioni in ambito manageriale e sportivo
IT00:27:55March 2021La mia vita dietro un palloneSara GamaCapitano, Nazionale Italiana Calcio; Juventus FC
IT00:03:03March 2021Leadership e comunicazione: come costruire i rapporti.Sara GamaCapitano, Nazionale Italiana Calcio; Juventus FC
IT00:27:00March 2021Il Carcere di Opera: uno stile di leadership innovativoSilvio Di GregorioDirettore, Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera
IT00:48:38March 2021Competitività in Campania: stato dell'arte e sfide per il futuroGian Paolo OnetoDirettore per gli studi e la valorizzazione delle statistiche economiche, Istat
IT00:46:34March 2021Analisi dei trend macro-economici, demografici, sociali e produttivi del sistema PaeseGian Carlo BlangiardoPresidente; Professore di Demografia, Istat; Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
IT EN01:04:17March 2021What can the West learn from the Chinese economic model: innovation, domestic market, and post pandemic recoveryKeyu JinProfessor of economics, London school of economics