IT01:35:30November 2020Cromosoma innovazione: come la tecnologia riscrive la genetica delle aziendeCosimo AccotoMIT Connection Science Fellow, Culture Innovation AdvisorAlberto MattielloHead of Future Thinking Project, J. Walter Thompson
IT00:29:29November 2020Un nuovo Dna: dal deep learning al quantum thinking e oltreCosimo AccotoMIT Connection Science Fellow, Culture Innovation Advisor
IT EN01:02:04November 2020Energising Creativity. The role of leaders and corporate culture for developing creativity and new ideasRichard HytnerFormer CEO EMEA and Deputy Chairman Global Strategy & Innovation; Founder; Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Saatchi & Saatchi; Blue Hat Man; Beta baboon; London Business School
IT EN00:29:32November 2020The fundamental differences between real and virtual team functioningJennifer JordanProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IMD Business School
IT EN02:00:15November 2020Leadership in the era of digital disruption: key skills and efficient tools to transform objectives in tangible outcomes Jennifer JordanProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IMD Business School
IT00:31:11November 2020When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in aziendaEnzo CarroneDeputy CIO, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
IT00:30:35November 2020Brevi storie di resilienza e di avventura alpinisticaEmilio PrevitaliAlpinista e Climber sportivo
IT00:24:21November 2020Resilienza e passione: cosa vuol dire essere un arbitroPaolo MazzoleniGià Arbitro, Video Assistant Referee Gruppo VAR, Serie A
IT01:32:18November 2020Resilienza: come allenare una risorsa fondamentale per superare le difficoltàPaolo MazzoleniGià Arbitro; Video Assistant Referee Gruppo VAR, Serie AEmilio PrevitaliAlpinista e Climber sportivo
IT EN00:25:16November 2020The JTI experience: 5 key strategic pillars for a Thriving D&I StrategyChristiane BisanzioVice President Diversity & Inclusion, Japan Tobacco International
IT EN00:28:01November 2020The Barilla Case: Diversity and Inclusion as a Leverage to Achieving Your Business StrategyKristen AndersonChief Diversity Officer, Barilla
IT EN00:53:47November 2020Future of Work: Human Relationships at Work in the Wake of the Virus CrisisLynda GrattonProfessor of Management Practice, London Business School
IT EN00:25:28November 2020“The Santander Way”: People as THE Competitive Advantage, Culture as THE Sustainable AdvantageDan StrodeGlobal Director of HR Culture & Strategy, Grupo Santander
IT00:02:46October 2020Il segreto per far convivere diverse generazioni nella stessa azienda.Federico Capecihief Executive Officer Italy & Chief Digital Officer Insights Division, Kantar - WPP Group
IT00:02:40October 2020Quali caratteristiche avrà la generazione del futuro? Leadership, no limits e benessere.Federico CapeciChief Executive Officer Italy & Chief Digital Officer Insights Division, Kantar - WPP Group
IT02:04:20October 2020Generazioni a confronto Capire l'altro per creare valoreFederico CapeciChief Executive Officer Italy & Chief Digital Officer Insights Division, Kantar - WPP Group
IT01:59:47October 2020Prospettive per il 2021: le imprese italiane nel nuovo quadro economico globaleFadi HassanSenior Economist, Banca d'Italia
IT01:33:41October 2020Creare un team vincente: stili a confrontoElisa Di FranciscaCampionessa olimpicaCarolina MoraceGià calciatrice e allenatrice
IT EN00:58:13October 2020Making smarter decisions in teams. The psychology of group decision-making processesJordi QuoidbachAssociate Professor of People Management & Organisation, ESADE Business School
EN00:01:05October 2020Pirelli - Technology ConventionDavide MedaHead of Manufacturing Worldwide, Pirelli
IT00:23:46October 2020Smart manufacturing: tra artigianalità e automazioneRanieri NiccoliChief Manufacturing Officer, Automobili Lamborghini
IT00:37:36October 2020Dallo smart manufacturing alla flexible factoryDavide MedaHead of Manufacturing Worldwide, Pirelli
IT00:31:50October 2020Creatività nell’arte e nella scienzaFabio BenfenatiDirettore, Center for Synaptic Neuroscience and Technology, IIT