IT EN00:29:17September 2020Leadership after Covid-19Peter Brabeck-LetmatheChairman Emeritus, already Chairman and CEO, Nestlé S.A.
IT EN00:03:06September 2020Anteprima del Forum di Cernobbio 'The scenario of today and tomorrow for competitive strategies'Steve SedgwickAnchor, CNBCPeter Brabeck-LetmatheChairman Emeritus, already Chairman and CEO, Nestlé S.A.Ruta JebrealVisiting Professor, University of MiamiAndrew McAfeeCo-Founder and Co-Directore; Principal Research Scientist, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE); MIT Sloan School of ManagementMario MontiPresident, University L. Bocconi and life senator of the Italian Republic
IT EN00:31:24September 2020Which America will emerge and the upcoming global challengesRula JebrealVisiting Professor, University of Miami
IT EN00:15:30September 2020Where are we? Our present, our next future and some implications to business.Steve SedgwickAnchor, CNBC
IT EN00:26:17September 2020Steps to be taken to support the economies of the European UnionMario MontiPresidente, Università L. Bocconi e Senatore a vita della Repubblica Italiana
IT01:32:35July 2020HR e la guida del cambiamento: esperienze a confrontoGianluca PerinChief HR & Organization Officer, Generali ItaliaLuca TiepoloCorporate Director Human Resources, Organization & Information Technology, Illycaffè
IT01:26:59July 2020L’ecosistema dell’innovazione di SingaporeRaffaele LangellaAmbasciatore d’Italia a Singapore e Brunei DarussalamMarco BardelliMembro Esecutivo CdA, Infinite StudiosMarziale FeudaleMMIC Design and Qualification Expert, Thales Alenia Space ItaliaDavide LomantoDirector, Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre, National University HospitalCorrado PanzeriAssociate Partner e Responsabile InnoTech Hub, The European House – Ambrosetti
IT EN00:58:08July 2020Z Generation: the new challenge of Marketing.Jerome Hiquetalready Chief Marketing Officer, Formula E
IT01:48:22July 2020Allenarsi per ascoltare e comunicare in modo efficaceAlessandro LucchiniFondatore, Palestra della ScritturaPasquale CorradoDirettore d’Orchestra, Compositore e Produttore Artistico
IT EN01:16:15July 2020The innovation technologies that will accelerate in the wake of the health emergencyGideon LichfieldEditor-in-chief, MIT Technology Review
IT EN02:39:06July 2020Global scenarios and national interest: pandemic, continuity, changeLucio CaraccioloDirettore, LimesEnrico GiovanniniProfessore ordinario di Statistica Economica, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”Alessandro OrsiniDirettore, Osservatorio sulla Sicurezza Internazionale, LUISSFrancesco Maria TalòRappresentante Permanente d’Italia presso il Consiglio AtlanticoGennaro VecchioneDirettore Generale; Presidenza, Dipartimento delle informazioni per la sicurezza; Consiglio dei Ministri
IT EN01:01:59July 2020How to Negotiate Losses and Resolve Conflicts and Disputes During a CrisisNiro SivanathanAssociate Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London Business School
IT EN00:48:14July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations- The role of the ASEAN regionAkiko YamanakaSpecial Advisor to the President, ERIA - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East AsiaMohd Munir Abdul MajidChairman, ASEAN Business Advisory CouncilEnrico LettaDean, Paris School of International Affairs - Sciences Po
IT EN00:22:52July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations- Welcoming remarksCristiano MaggipintoAmbassador of Italy to MalaysiaAbdul Malik Melvin CastelinoAmbassador of Malaysia to Italy
IT EN00:36:44July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations- Malaysia and ItalyCarlo FerroPresidente, ICE, Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italianeAzman MahmudCEO, Malaysian Investment Development Authority
IT EN00:27:28July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic RelationsEnrico LettaDean, Paris School of International Affairs - Sciences PoValerio De MolliManaging Partner e Amministratore Delegato; Director, The European House - Ambrosetti; Ambrosetti Group Limited di Londra
IT EN00:56:37July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations- Cooperation perspectivesKasemsit PathomsakDeputy Secretary General, Thai Chamber of CommerceBarbara BeltrameVice Presidente per l'Internazionalizzazione, ConfindustriaDouglas FooPresident, Singapore Manufacturing FederationShinta Widjaja KamdaniVice Chairwoman, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - KADINBui Nhat QuangPresident, Vietnam Academy of Social ScienceThian Lai SohPresident, Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
IT EN00:26:26July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations- Opening SpeechesLim Jock HoiSecretary General, ASEANManlio Di StefanoSottosegretario di Stato per gli affari esteri e la cooperazione internazionale, Senato della Repubblica
IT EN00:07:49July 2020High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic RelationsManlio Di StefanoSottosegretario di Stato per gli affari esteri e la cooperazione internazionale, Senato della Repubblica
IT01:35:03July 2020Allenare la Leadership: strategia, sfide e incertezze sul campo da giocoEttore MessinaCapo allenatore e Presidente Basketball Operations, Olimpia Milano
IT EN01:30:18July 2020Leaders in Crisis: Useful Lessons Learnt for the FutureNiall FergusonMilbank Family Senior Fellow; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Center for European Studies, Harvard University
IT EN01:27:58June 2020Strategic and Innovative Thinking for Leaders in the Era of Uncertainty: the FC Barcelona ExperienceJavier SobrinoChief Strategy and Innovation Officer; Professor of Strategic Management & Innovation, FC Barcelona; INSEAD
IT EN01:33:51June 20205 Rules for Leaders to Succeed in a World of UncertaintyDeborah AnconaProfessor of Management and Organization Studies; Founder, MIT Sloan School of Management; MIT Leadership Center
IT EN01:03:02June 2020The Diversity Bonus: building a winning team to improve business performanceScott E. PageJohn Seely Brown Distinguished University Professor of Complexity, Social Science, and Management, University of Michigan