IT00:59:55July 2019Millennials: clienti, influencer e colleghiFederico CapeciAmministratore Delegato e Chief Digital Officer Insights, Kantar
IT EN00:02:43July 2019What are the jobs of the future?Carl Benedikt FreyCodirector of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, University of Oxford
IT EN00:57:08July 2019The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of AutomationCarl Benedikt FreyCodirector of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, University of Oxford
IT EN00:38:53June 2019Will data analytics algorithms and AI enhance communication?Jim MacnamaraDistinguished Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology Sydney
IT EN00:02:19June 2019Use technologies to engage and listen to your customersJim MacnamaraDistinguished Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology Sydney
IT EN00:02:43June 2019Reputation crisis and corporate communication lessons learnt from the Germanwings crashAndreas BartelsSenior Vice President & Head of Corporate Communications, Lufthansa Group
IT EN00:03:18June 2019Create a narrative thread that joins past, present and futureLella CostaAttrice, scrittrice e doppiatrice
IT EN00:24:01June 2019When and how to speak up in difficult situationsPaul A. ArgentiProfessor of Corporate Communication, Tuck School of Business, Darmouth College
IT EN00:02:36June 2019How can organizations communicate their values in a consistent way?Paul A. ArgentiProfessor of Corporate Communication, Tuck School of Business, Darmouth College
IT00:02:18June 2019Decisioni e valori: capire se stessi e i propri valori per prendere le decisioni giusteCarlo Fontana GiustiLeadership & Organizational Behavior e Problem Solving & Decision Making, ESCP Europe
IT00:37:12June 2019Decisioni e valori: capire se stessi e i propri valori per prendere le decisioni giusteCarlo Fontana GiustiLeadership & Organizational Behavior e Problem Solving & Decision Making, ESCP Europe
IT00:05:02June 2019Decisioni e valori: capire se stessi e i propri valori per prendere le decisioni giusteCarlo Fontana GiustiLeadership & Organizational Behavior e Problem Solving & Decision Making, ESCP Europe
IT00:02:46June 2019I tuoi valori sono allineati con quelli della tua azienda?Carlo Fontana GiustiLeadership & Organizational Behavior e Problem Solving & Decision Making, ESCP Europe
IT01:04:40June 2019L’attenzione alle persone chiave del successo HR: l’esperienza di DucatiLuigi TorlaiDirettore Risorse Umane, DUCATI MOTOR HOLDING
IT00:01:12June 2019Huawei in Italia per contrastare l'attacco di TrumpLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT EN01:03:26June 2019The Future of Artificial Intelligence: state of the art and upcoming yearsJim SpohrerDirettore Cognitive OpenTech, IBM Digital Business Group
IT EN00:03:18June 2019What tasks will AI perform? From collaborator to mediatorJim SpohrerDirettore Cognitive OpenTech, IBM Digital Business Group
IT EN00:02:31June 2019AI: what will the biggest benefits be?Jim SpohrerDirettore Cognitive OpenTech, IBM Digital Business Group
EN01:03:26June 2019The Future of Artificial Intelligence: state of the art and upcoming yearsJim SpohrerDirettore Cognitive OpenTech, IBM Digital Business Group
IT00:02:36June 2019Accrescere la leadership personaleLivio SgarbiMental coach e Master Trainer di sportivi