IT00:44:26June 2024Leader equilibristi: promuovere un buon work-life balance senza compromettere gli obiettivi aziendaliEugenio SidoliAmministratore Delegato, Max Mara
IT00:48:51June 2024Le politiche di conciliazione famiglia – lavoro: storia e riflessioniMarcello RussoProfessore di Comportamento Organizzativo e Gestione delle Risorse Umane
IT EN00:35:10June 2024The perfectionism trap and the impacts on performance. The unbearable heaviness of perfectionThomas CurranAssociate Professor of Psychological and Behavioural Science, London School of Economics
IT EN00:23:26May 2024Being credible in turbulent times. Experts “against” generalistsAmanda GoodallProfessor in Leadership, Bayes Business School
IT EN00:26:47May 2024Decision-making in turbulent timesOlivier SibonyProfessor of Business and Corporate Strategy, HEC Paris
IT EN00:28:12May 2024The power of questions for leadership in turbulent timesPia LauritzenFilosofa e scrittrice
IT EN00:27:10May 2024The dark side of leadership. How leaders create turbulence and how to prevent itEugene Sadler-SmithProfessor of Organizational Behaviour, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey
IT EN00:26:05May 2024Women's leadership in turbulent timesIvona HidegAssociate Professor of Organisation Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
IT EN00:46:02April 2024Understanding microstress to fight it and start responding to itRobert CrossSenior Vice President of Research;Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Leadership, i4cp; Babson College
IT01:56:52June 2023Leadership 3.0: il potenziale nascosto di gentilezza, empatia e inclusioneCristina MilaniPresidente, Gentletude OnlusAnna FiscaleFondatrice e Presidente, Progetto QuidMatteo Lo DucaHead of Global Finance Shared Services, EssilorLuxottica
IT00:26:39June 2023Come la gentilezza può essere il cambiamento che cerchiamoCristina MilaniPresidente, Gentletude Onlus
IT00:27:20June 2023Leadership gentile: valorizzare le persone e costruire relazioni genuineMatteo Lo DucaHead of Global Finance Shared Services, EssilorLuxottica
IT00:31:18June 2023Come migliorare la tua leadership guardando un filmGianni CanovaCritico cinematografico, Rettore, Professore ordinario di Storia del cinema e Filmologia, Università IULM
IT EN00:25:42May 2023The leadership of the ‘Method’: vision, efficiency and performanceJean TodtSpecial Envoy for Road Safety; Former CEO, United Nations; Ferrari
IT EN01:08:07May 2023Organizational models and leadership styles of criminal leadershipRoberto SavianoGiornalista, scrittore e saggista
IT EN00:43:24May 2023A woman in command: imagery, trust and responsibility at the helm of a ship Serena MelaniComandante, Explora Journeys, Divisione Crocere – MSC Group
IT EN00:41:11April 2023Getting along: how to work with anyone (even with difficult people)Amy GalloAuthor, Harvard Business Review
IT00:46:55April 2023I 4 pilastri per costruire la self-leaderdshipJosefa IdemCampionessa Olimpica di Canoa
IT00:32:46March 2023Data-driven company: farsi guidare dai dati per prendere decisioni migliori e più rapideMarcello SavareseChief Data Analytics Officer , Wind Tre
IT00:48:13March 2023Come trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle criticheFederico VagniEsperto di Self-empowerment e sviluppo del potenziale
IT00:35:49March 2023Come dare un feedback efficace e costruttivoGianLorenzo BlenginiAllenatore italiano di pallavolo; tecnico , Lube
IT EN00:37:00February 2023The Culture Advantage: improving engagement, retention and performance, transforming corporate cultureDaniel StrodeGlobal Group Director of HR Culture & Strategy, Grupo Santander
IT00:30:12February 2023Umorismo: come può influenzare la performance aziendaleGermano LanzoniAttore teatrale e comico