IT EN00:55:53February 2024Artificial Intelligence in business: myth or reality?Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:50:56February 2024How is Chat GPT different from Google? Using generative AI to its full potentialMichael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT00:35:38February 2024La Trasformazione Digitale fra strategia, architettura e fattore umano: l’esperienza di GeneraliGian Luca VerrazHead of IT, Generali Italia
IT EN00:36:42November 2023The role of human intuition in the age of Artificial IntelligenceEugene Sadler-SmithProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK
IT EN01:23:06November 2023The impacts of AI and generative AIJavier ZamoraProfessor of Practice of Management and Information Systems, IESE Business School
IT EN01:10:56November 2023Data-driven organizations. Overcoming the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Digital TransformationJavier ZamoraProfessor of Practice of Management and Information Systems, IESE Business School
IT00:46:07October 2023La transizione digitale tra nuovi modelli di business, ecosistemi digitali e customer insights: nuove sfide e opportunità per le aziendeFrancesco Del GrecoGroup Chief Information Officer, Haier Europe
IT EN00:30:29October 2023GPT and Generative AI Chat: a disruption to seize Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT01:04:27June 2023Le sfide dell’uomo nella società odierna e per il futuroUmberto GalimbertiFilosofo, Professore emerito, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
IT EN01:10:14June 2023IT challenges for an increasingly pervasive Digital, between Cloud and Digital Hubs: UniCredit and DHL case studiesGabriele ChiesaCEO; Group Head of Technology, UniCredit Services; UniCreditAurelio MoraCIO, DHL Express Italy
IT00:30:21June 2023Esplorare il Metaverso. Un'opportunità per innovare e innovarsiTommaso Di BartoloImprenditore, Autore, Docente, University of California Berkeley
IT EN00:38:11May 2023Great Resignation: react to the crisis and find a new way to workAnthony KlotzProfessor of Organizational Behavior, UCL School of Management
IT EN00:40:10May 2023Ethical Machines. Ethical challenges for AI in the companyReid BlackmanAuthor and AI ethics expert
IT00:23:47April 2023Quale sarà il prossimo big bang tecnologico?Nicoletta BoldriniDirettrice, Tech4Future
IT00:16:07March 2023Change management e impatti organizzativi della digitalizzazioneSilvia AimoResponsabile Organizzazione e Sviluppo, MM S.p.A.
IT00:24:19March 2023Digital transformation, modelli di business e sostenibilitàAriela CaglioProfessoressa di Management Accounting, Università Bocconi
IT00:14:56March 2023La trasformazione digitale è un gioco di squadraSara TrabucchiCRM Systems Director, Sky Italia
IT01:04:56March 2023Fonti energetiche e rinnovabili mature: rischi e prospettive future Nicola MarzariDirettore NCCR Marvel e Chair, Theory and Simulation of Materials, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
IT00:55:41March 2023Materiali e tecnologie del futuro: le nuove frontiere dell'energiaNicola MarzariDirettore NCCR Marvel e Chair, Theory and Simulation of Materials, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
IT00:27:05March 2023Data-driven company: le esperienze di BMWCarlo Botto PoalaMarketing Director, BMW Italia
IT EN00:32:20March 2023Big Data and IA: opportunities in enabling tech and ethical responsibilitiesCornelia SchaureckerGlobal Group Director AI & Big Data, Vodafone
IT EN01:17:50February 2023IT as the driver of digital transformation, from production to sustainability: Gucci’s experience.Alberto MattielloBusiness Futurist; Head of Future Thinking Project, Wunderman ThompsonGilberto ToscaChief Technology and Information Officer, Gucci
IT01:22:45January 2023Ambizioni spaziali: la nuova space economy tra grandi potenze e settore privatoMarcello SpagnuloConsigliere Scientifico; già Senior Advisor , Limes; Agenzia Spaziale Italiana