IT00:37:41November 2020Cromosoma innovazioneAlberto MattielloHead of Future Thinking Project, J. Walter Thompson
IT01:35:30November 2020Cromosoma innovazione: come la tecnologia riscrive la genetica delle aziendeCosimo AccotoMIT Connection Science Fellow, Culture Innovation AdvisorAlberto MattielloHead of Future Thinking Project, J. Walter Thompson
IT01:26:59July 2020L’ecosistema dell’innovazione di SingaporeRaffaele LangellaAmbasciatore d’Italia a Singapore e Brunei DarussalamMarco BardelliMembro Esecutivo CdA, Infinite StudiosMarziale FeudaleMMIC Design and Qualification Expert, Thales Alenia Space ItaliaDavide LomantoDirector, Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre, National University HospitalCorrado PanzeriAssociate Partner e Responsabile InnoTech Hub, The European House – Ambrosetti
IT EN01:02:21June 2020Sustainability, CSR and business growth: from compromise management to innovation drivers (the examples of Nike and Walmart)Sarah KaplanProfessor of Strategic Management & Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy, Rotman School of Management
IT EN01:07:47June 2020Why Simple Wins: how to eliminate complexity and unleash innovation in your organizationLisa BodellFounder and CEO, FutureThink