Mastering the art of persuasion - podcast Jonah BergerAdded on 18/05/2021 Risorse umane Comunicazione
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The key to preventing generational tension is remembering that everyone wants to feel valued Liane DaveyAdded on 11/05/2021 Risorse umane
The "OK, boomer" meme hurts Gen Z more than the older generation it's aimed at Megan GerhardtAdded on 11/05/2021 Risorse umane
Generational differences at work are small. Thinking they’re big affects our behavior Eden King Lisa Finkelstein Courtney Thomas Abby CorringtonAdded on 11/05/2021 Risorse umane
A tu per tu con Giovanna Trillini, la Leggenda della scherma azzurra Fabio BandieraAdded on 07/05/2021 Risorse umane Leadership
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Beyond posted prices: the past, present, and future of participative pricing mechanisms Manoj Thomas Bernd Skiera Peter Popkowski Leszczyc Vincent Mak Oded Koenigsberg Sandy D. Jap Marco Bertini Martin Spann Robert Zeithammer Ernan HaruvyAdded on 06/05/2021 Sales & Marketing
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings Richard Reisman Marco BertiniAdded on 06/05/2021 Sales & Marketing
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If humble people make the best leaders, why do we fall for charismatic narcissists? Margarita MayoAdded on 04/05/2021 Leadership
Introduction - Yours truly: the 3 Hs of authentic leadership Margarita MayoAdded on 04/05/2021 Leadership
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The six biggest post-lockdown challenges for organisations Lee Seok HwaiAdded on 29/04/2021 Leadership