Current & future trends for firms & industries Michael BourlakisAdded on 18/10/2021 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Is Your Organization Surviving Change — or Thriving in It? John P. Kotter Vanessa Akhtar Gaurav GuptaAdded on 18/10/2021
The evolution from corporate social responsibility to supply chain responsibility: the case of Waitrose Michael Bourlakis Laura SpenceAdded on 13/10/2021 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Envisioning retail and e-commerce new-normal: emerging trends and future challenges Alexis MavrommatisAdded on 12/10/2021 Sales & Marketing
No end in sight for the COVID-led global supply chain disruption Garth FriesenAdded on 12/10/2021 Innovazione
Post-pandemic, supply chains retool for a new (ab)normal Beth StackpoleAdded on 12/10/2021 Innovazione
Building resilient supply chains, revitalizing american manufacturing, and fostering broad-based growth The White House Added on 12/10/2021 Innovazione
US and European strategies for resilient supply chains Marianne Schneider-PetsingerAdded on 12/10/2021 Innovazione
Estratto PNRR. Italia Domani. Missione 2: Rivoluzione verde e transizione ecologica Italia Domani Added on 11/10/2021 Innovazione
Macroeconomic, social and environmental impacts of a circular economy up to 2050: a meta-analysis of prospective studies Glenn Aguilar-Hernandez João Dias Rodrigues Arnold TukkerAdded on 11/10/2021 Innovazione
A review on European Union’s strategy for plastics in a circular economy and its impact on food safety Chris Matthews Fintan Moran Amit JaiswalAdded on 11/10/2021 Innovazione
DHL white paper . Eco-mmerce - How online retail can build the sustainable supply chain of tomorrow DHL Added on 11/10/2021 Operations - R&D Innovazione
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Missioni Italia. Investimenti, innovazione e immaginazione - Rapporto per il Governo Italiano Mariana MazzucatoAdded on 11/10/2021 Scenario Economia
3° Rapporto sull’economia circolare in Italia. Sintesi del rapporto 2021 Circular Economy Network Added on 11/10/2021 Innovazione
Climbing up the circularity ladder? A mixed-methods analysis of circular economy in business practice Lukas Stumpf Josef Peter Schöggl Rupert BaumgartnerAdded on 11/10/2021 Innovazione
Industry 4.0 and sustainable development: a systematic mapping of triple bottom line, circular economy and sustainable business models perspectives Iqra Sadaf Khan Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Jukka MajavaAdded on 11/10/2021 Innovazione