Come facilitare le riunioni online: prendersi (comunque) cura di gruppi e comunità
Come facilitare le riunioni online: prendersi (comunque) cura di gruppi e comunità

Melania Bigi
Martina Francesca
Deborah Rim Moiso

Pubblicato il 12/11/2020

È necessaria una videoconferenza o basterebbe un'e-mail?
È necessaria una videoconferenza o basterebbe un'e-mail?


Pubblicato il 12/11/2020

Leading remotely requires new communication strategies
Leading remotely requires new communication strategies

Adam Roseman

Pubblicato il 12/11/2020

Top 10 tips to look your best on video
Top 10 tips to look your best on video


Pubblicato il 12/11/2020

Energising Creativity. The role of leaders and corporate culture for developing creativity and new ideas
Energising Creativity. The role of leaders and corporate culture for developing creativity and new ideas

Richerd Hytner

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

Risorse umane
What the response to Covid-19 can teach us about creativity
What the response to Covid-19 can teach us about creativity

Richard Hytner

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

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Relearning creativity for business impact
Relearning creativity for business impact

Jessica Spungin
Lauren Furgason

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

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Liberating creativity: why your business has to find a way
Liberating creativity: why your business has to find a way

Richard Hytner

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

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Do schools kill creativity?
Do schools kill creativity?

Ken Robinson

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

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Creativity and the role of the leader
Creativity and the role of the leader

Teresa Amabile
Mukti Khaire

Pubblicato il 11/11/2020

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Leading virtual teams in times of disruption
Leading virtual teams in times of disruption

Jennifer Jordan

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

The new leadership playbook for the digital age
The new leadership playbook for the digital age

Douglas A. Ready
Carol Cohen
David Kiron
Benjamin Pring

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Identifying Leadership Skills Required in the Digital Age
Identifying Leadership Skills Required in the Digital Age

Milan Frederik Klus
Julia Müller

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

Innovazione Risorse umane
Understanding the Blockchain Economy: An Introduction to Institutional Cryptoeconomics
Understanding the Blockchain Economy: An Introduction to Institutional Cryptoeconomics

Chris Berg,
Sinclair Davidson,
Jason Potts

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

Every leader needs to navigate these 7 tensions
Every leader needs to navigate these 7 tensions

Jennifer Jordan
Michael Wade
Elizabeth Teracino

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

Leadership in a time of digital disruption: key skills and effective tools
Leadership in a time of digital disruption: key skills and effective tools

Jennifer Jordan

Pubblicato il 10/11/2020

Risorse umane Leadership
Why Innovation’s Future Isn’t (Just) Open
Why Innovation’s Future Isn’t (Just) Open

Neil C. Thompson
Didier Bonnet
Yun Ye

Pubblicato il 05/11/2020

Breaking down the barriers to innovation
Breaking down the barriers to innovation

Scott D. Anthony
Paul Cobban
Rahul Nair
Natalie Painchaud

Pubblicato il 05/11/2020

The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures
The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures

Gary P. Pisano

Pubblicato il 05/11/2020

When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in azienda
When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in azienda

Enzo Carrone

Pubblicato il 05/11/2020

Disruption 2020: An Interview With Clayton M. Christensen
Disruption 2020: An Interview With Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen

Pubblicato il 05/11/2020

Resilienza e passione: cosa vuol dire essere un arbitro
Resilienza e passione: cosa vuol dire essere un arbitro

Paolo Mazzoleni

Pubblicato il 04/11/2020

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Otto brevi lezioni di sci
Otto brevi lezioni di sci

Emilio Previtali

Pubblicato il 04/11/2020

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Common good HRM: a paradigm shift in sustainable HRM?
Common good HRM: a paradigm shift in sustainable HRM?

Ina Aust
Brian Matthews
Michael Muller-Camen

Pubblicato il 03/11/2020

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