The power of a positive no
The power of a positive no

William Ury

Added on 21/04/2021

How to say “no” at work without making enemies
How to say “no” at work without making enemies

Joseph Grenny

Added on 21/04/2021

10 strumenti per il no positivo
10 strumenti per il no positivo

Alessandro Lucchini

Added on 21/04/2021

Saper dire no e farsi dire sì il no positivo
Saper dire no e farsi dire sì il no positivo

Alessandro Lucchini

Added on 21/04/2021

Cracking the code of sustained collaboration
Cracking the code of sustained collaboration

Francesca Gino

Added on 19/04/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
When contributing gets in the way of collaborating
When contributing gets in the way of collaborating

Sabina Nawaz

Added on 19/04/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
When collaboration fails and how to fix it
When collaboration fails and how to fix it

Rob Cross
Inga Carboni

Added on 19/04/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
Conversational receptiveness: improving engagement with opposing views
Conversational receptiveness: improving engagement with opposing views

Francesca Gino
Michael Yeomans
Julia Minson
Hanne Collins
Frances Chen

Added on 19/04/2021

Risorse umane Leadership
Presentazione di Matteo Marani
Presentazione di Matteo Marani

Matteo Marani

Added on 14/04/2021

Storie di Matteo Marani: 1997 fenomeno Ronaldo
Storie di Matteo Marani: "1997 fenomeno Ronaldo"

Matteo Marani

Added on 14/04/2021

Presentazione di Fabio Bucciarelli
Presentazione di Fabio Bucciarelli

Fabio Bucciarelli

Added on 14/04/2021

Humor e pensiero laterale
Humor e pensiero laterale

Filippo Losito

Added on 14/04/2021

Decline or new renaissance?
Decline or new renaissance?

Mathew Burrows

Added on 13/04/2021

The future of food and agriculture - Alternative pathways to 2050
The future of food and agriculture - Alternative pathways to 2050

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
The global exploration roadmap
The global exploration roadmap

International Space Exploration Coordination Group

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Overview on the future of humanity
Overview on the future of humanity

Lord Martin Rees

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Human & robotic exploration
Human & robotic exploration

European Space Agency

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Renaissance or decline?
Renaissance or decline?

Mathew J. Burrows

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Europe’s space future and the role of exploration
Europe’s space future and the role of exploration

David Parker

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Infographic - H2 Italy 2050. A national hydrogen supply chain for the growth and decarbonization of Italy
Infographic - H2 Italy 2050. A national hydrogen supply chain for the growth and decarbonization of Italy

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
The powertrain for the BMW i hydrogen next: BMW  Group reaffirms its ongoing commitment to hydrogen fuel cell technology
The powertrain for the BMW i hydrogen next: BMW Group reaffirms its ongoing commitment to hydrogen fuel cell technology

BMW Group

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Opening plenary talk for The Centre for the study of existential risk conference
Opening plenary talk for The Centre for the study of existential risk conference

Lord Martin Rees

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Some thoughts on 2050 and beyond
Some thoughts on 2050 and beyond

Lord Martin Rees

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario
Report on the space economy
Report on the space economy

European Space Agency

Added on 13/04/2021

Innovazione Scenario